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Why you need a Migration Agent

…now, more than ever

Why you need a Migration Agent when errors with information can result in a ten year ban (10 year ban) from any Australian visa applications under PIC 4020 and other changes on 18 november 2017

Getting this visa to bring your Filipina lady to Australia is one of the most important things you’ll ever do in your life, and the outcome matters. Am I right, gentlemen?

If the visa application doesn’t make the grade, it will be refused. It may be just a waste of money, or it may mean adding 10 years to when you can be together. Therefore you should be doing all that you can to make the application successful, and that should include getting professional help.

Have a look at some of the following issues…..some old, and some new……then YOU decide!

You can’t walk into the Australian Embassy in Manila and lodge a visa application

This has been the way for many years. You don’t get in to the Australian Embassy without an appointment. Visa questions? Nope! They will just direct you to their website. So you can’t get help from a kind Aussie behind a counter. It’s back to you and a confusing website.

There is no such thing as a “simple tourist visa application

You need to convince the Australian Embassy that your Filipina lady has a “genuine reason to visit Australia”, and that she has a strong reason to return at the end of her visit and is of minimal risk of overstaying. And no, signed statements from you promising this won’t happen means nothing to them. Do you think you can do this? They will give you no chances to explain, and will simply refuse the visa application if not completely convinced.

No more paper forms for Australian partner visa applications

As of 18 November 2017, they will no longer accept the old 47SP and 40SP forms! So if you’re “not good with computers”, you won’t be able to lodge a visa application.

Application fees for partner visas have risen 522% in 10 years

In 2007 it would cost you $1,340.00 to apply for an Australian partner visa in Manila. It now costs $7,000.00. And if they refuse the visa application, you don’t see one penny of that back again. That’s a lot to risk on a venture into the unknown.

Incomplete partner visa applications are now facing speedy refusal

The gloves are off! The Department have made it clear they will no longer tolerate “naked” partner visa applications being lodged with the barest minimum. They want decision-ready applications with everything that’s needed included right at the start. Are you confident you can prepare and lodge a partner visa application with everything right first-up?

False statements and bogus documents equal a 10 year ban

A false statement can be a deliberate lie, or leaving out some family details, travel details or something you simply forgot. A bogus document may be a deliberate forgery, or some wrong details on an official document that you didn’t realise. Get this wrong and you may have 10 years to wait for another opportunity to apply for a visa to Australia for your wife, fiancée or girlfriend. Scary prospect, right?

If you would like some help with your visa application to give it the best possible chance of success, use the experts in Australian visa applications for Australian Filipina couples. Get a free assessment of your case from Down Under Visa, and then make an educated choice and do what’s best for your Filipina lady and yourself.


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