Citizenship By Descent
Do you have a biological child born in Philippines who has at least one Australian Citizen as a parent? Would you like your Filipino child to obtain Australian Citizenship By Descent without a lot of hassle and stress?
If the child is born overseas and where at least one biological parent is an Aussie Citizen at the time of the birth, then the child will be entitled to apply for Australian Citizenship By Descent. The child will then be entitled to apply for an Australian passport, and can travel to and remain in Australia. No visa necessary ever.
This is a great option for those Australian men who have fathered children in the Philippines and wish that those children may become Australian Citizens and to enjoy all the rights of other Australians. Australian Citizenship is not automatic outside of Australia, and whilst it is an entitlement it is an entitlement that must be claimed with a successful application to the Department (Australian Embassy in Manila). It requires strong evidence of biological fatherhood, which may require DNA test evidence to backup of the claim.

Note that claiming to be the biological father of a child as an “act of chivalry” is not only fraudulent, it is also a criminal offense in the Philippines. Avoid the urge to do anything galant, and to say “I’ll give the child my name” if the child does not share your genes. This is especially frowned open in the Philippines where actual paternity is taken very seriously.
When the case is genuine, Citizenship By Descent is a wonderful gift to bestow on your Filipino children as it is permanent. It does not require entry into Australia at any given point, and remains for the lifetime of the child. This option should be considered also when a partner visa application includes biological children. When the biological child of an Australian Citizen is granted Citizenship By Descent, they may travel to Australia with an Australian *passport without the need to be included as an applicant in a partner visa application, nor will they need to apply for a dependent child visa or child visa later.
*NOTE: Citizenship applications do not include a passport. This requires a separate application by yourselves.
Information contained in this page is of a general nature. Informative, yes, but not a formula for preparing visa applications and should not be relied on as such. The devil is in the detail, rest assured. Australian migration law is complicated and Departmental decisions are inflexible and often final. Readers and future visa applicants and sponsors are advised to rely on professionals to ensure a happy outcome.
It should also be considered by those Australian men who reside full-time in the Philippines, so that their Filipino children may wish to exercise their right to live in Australia at a later time.
If you have a legitimate claim, we can prepare and lodge an application for the child.
To see if we can help you, please fill out our FREE ASSESSMENT FORM
Citizenship By Descent Pros and Cons

Hello sir I justjust want to ask about Australian citizenship by descentdescent I’m married by an Australian citizen and get pregnant but the father of my child who are Australian citizen abandoned us and he don’t sign the birth certificate of the child! What should I do can u help us??
I would need more information about your case, and you would need to complete a contact form on our website and tell us the full story including significant dates.
Good morning Jeff. My son was born here in the Philippines 11 months after the marriage with his mother. I have for the past 7 years lived in the Philippines working In Australia enjoying a 28 day on, 28 day off roster. I would like for my son to obtain an Australian Passport/citizenship to Provide him with options for his future. We are also planning an family Australian holiday at the end of the Philippine school year with my wife, son and step daughter and wishing to simplify the holiday visa application. I would appreciate and feedback and will be sure to channel our processing through your business. Kind regards, Nathan
We’d be delighted to help, Nathan. Just at the top of the page you will see a link to a free visa assessment. We can see then if we can help you.
Hi there;
I am married to an australian citizen in sydney and i am a filipina….
We have a good relationship until after 2 years…he lost his contact to us….
I tried to contact him but to no avail…
My question is can i apply for my son’s citizenship by descent even we lost contact on him?
Yes you can, as long as you can prove that his father is an Australian citizen. Please complete one of our online visa assessment forms. There’s a link at the top right hand corner.
Hi my child is already an Australian citizen by descent does she needs to have a philippine passport to go to philippines? Please advice.
No, however at the moment if they don’t have proof that the child is a Filipino Citizen they won’t let her in. It would be easy to prove this with a Philippines passport.
My mother is an Filipino , and Australian Father I was Born here in the Philippines now I’m 17years Old Date of birth Step 16, 2003. Can I still be an Australian citizen?
Very young to be a senator! Yes, it can be done. As long as you can prove that your father was Australian before your birth.
Hi Sir, I have a question? I had a boyfriend which is Australian citizen i visited him in his country Dec. 6, 2019 and left there Dec. 23, 2020. And now i’m running 6months pregnant and our relationship is over. Can i still apply a citizenship by descent for my baby. And what surname should i use for my baby? It is okay if i use my surname can’t affect when i apply citizenship by descent? Thank you.
You can if you can prove his citizenship, Jocelyn. If you want professional help, I suggest you use the assessment form on the website.
Dear Sir;
I have the same situation with Jocelyn..I am a filipina (Filipino National). I was married in Sydney last Dec 28, 2017 to an Australian citizen..After 2 years, he lost contact with us, i tried to reach him but he seems ignoring me. Me and my son are living in Phils. My question is, can i ( filipina mother) apply for my son’s citizenship by descent? he is 3 yrs old now, i have only copy of his passport, but i dont know his details when he was naturalized in Aust…Pls help, thanks
You may apply if you don’t have his consent, yes. However you DO need solid proof that he is the father and that he is an Australian Citizen. They will want dates and places. If you have very little information, you could be wasting your time.
Hello Sir, is it possible that I can apply for Citizenship by Descent if I only have photo of my boyfriend passport and he also acknowledge that he is the father in my son’s birth certificate?
You need a lot more than that, Brenda. Suggest you get an assessment and see if we can help you.
Hi there, I do have a question regarding this if you may. Will it be possible for the child to do this application? My father is Australian, and I haven’t heard of him for more than 20years. He is signed on my birth certificate as my father. Based on the information I have about him he since before, He is already an old nearing his 90s so I don’t really know if he’s still alive.
It’s possible, yes. Please do an assessment.
Hi just an enquiry regarding what visa to apply for a Mother married with Australian living in the Philippines to come to Australia to live and further study of daughter Australian by Descent has Australian passport Thanks so much highly appreciated for a reply . Have a blessed day?
One of the partner visa options, Maria. Please go to https://assessments.downundervisa.com and I can assess your case fully and advise you properly.
my partner was in a realtionship before with australian man and she had a son with him, he will nto sign any papers to say he is the father of the child, but he does have pictures of the boy in his facebook and even there he tells to his family anf friends it is his son, is there anything my partner can do by law to be able to get citizenship for her son to the australian man
The approval or acknowledgment of the father is not required, however you still need to prove that he is the biological father.
hello sir, will it be okay if my Australian citizen boyfriend will be the one to apply for the citizenship by descent of our child in australia even though the child lives here with me in Philippines? or it is really me who will apply for it? need your help(our baby is two months old by now and got acknowlegde by australian father in her live birth certificate)
Perfectly fine, Jenny. Either one of the parents may lodge a Citizenship application.
Hello Sir,
I have the same issue with Jenny,my daughter was acknowledged by her Australian citizen father so she have her last name he also had performed a DNA test when she was 3 month’s old as it’s one of the requirements for Australian citizenship application but thing’s didn’t work out for us due to some issues I had with him about women,how would I verify if he successfully submit that Australian citizenship application? And if ever it wasn’t process can I apply in behalf of our child here in Philippine?
You can’t verify if he applied. And yes, you may apply for a citizenship application for the child. I suggest you complete our free online assessment form on the website.
Hello Sir,
Just want some Clarifications.
If A Filipina Mother an Australian Citizen, is it much easier to apply my children who is currently in the Philippines a Citizenship by Descent?
I have included my Dependent Children in my application of Permanent Partner Visa from the beginning.
I have been here for 7 years and have live her without them so long.
My daughter is already 20 and son is 18 and still Dependent on me.
What is the best thing to do?
Are you saying their biological father was an Australian Citizen at their birth? If so, I would look at Citizenship By Descent for them.
Good day..May ask about citizenship of my two sons which is half Australian.. how I can do it? The father of the kids refuse to register the kids in Australia..The father of the kids has signature of the birth certificates. They are 3 three years and turning two years old..I’m hoping I can get any information what I need to do..I have lack of financial to pay the citizenship fees.
Citizenship applications are not free, sorry. You will have to find the money to pay for the applications.
You don’t need the father to apply. You may do that yourself. Your only issue is that you need to ensure you have enough evidence to prove that he is the biological father of the children, and that he is an Australian Citizen himself.
hello i.have son 4years old father is australian how much the citizenship by descent
I replied to you already by email, Rhoda. You should click the link I sent you.
My son is australian by decent and my girlfriend the mother is philippino but both here she is on a tourist visa what visa options do we have so she can stay here
Stay permanently? Not very many. Suggest you consult a Registered Migration Agent.
Hi, Sir Harvie. I am Jenny and my husband was born to a Filipino mother and to an Australian guy (accdg to his mom). She said when my husband was two 2 years old, the guy insisted to bring the child to Australia leaving her in the Phils. In short she kept the child and the guy just disappeared abandoning my husband. we have nothing but his name and he helped during the big earthquake in baguio. i am just trying my luck here. if you can suggest agencies that can attend to concerns like this. thank you
We can probably help. Please complete a free assessment form.
My application for Australian citizenship by descent is now approved. We did a DNA because my biological father is not the father in my birth certificate. I would like to ask if I can still use my current surname on applying for Australian passport? Or I should use the surname of my biological father?
Please speak to the passport office about this
Hi sir am married to Australian man.were lucky to conceive a child last may. Am now lodging spousal visa through immi.my husband wants to get our baby an Australian passport.can he apply for citizenship by decent for our child even his not here to sigh her birth certificate? But his coming here on Feb for baptism plan of our baby.please advice thank you.
Yes you can, however you will have to ensure you have plenty of other evidence of his paternity. If you would like help with this, please use our Contact Form and let me know?
Hello po may I ask how much to apply Australian citizenship by descent? And do really need a DNA test?I am married to aussie man and he is now in Australia, I’m the one lodge the application for our daughter, need to attach DNA test?
I’ve never had a client need a DNA test, Shiela. Can you click here and fill out the questions at the bottom? https://www.downundervisa.com/citizenship-by-descent-for-australian-filipino-kids/
Hi Jeff. I was born in the Philippines to a Filipino mother and Australian father. I gained my Australian citizenship by descent as a baby in 1997. I’m just wondering whether I’ve retained my Filipino citizenship and am considered a dual citizen automatically or whether I must reapply for the retention of my Filipino citizenship?
Hello Andi. No, officially you lost Filipino Citizenship when you acquired Australian Citizenship. However there’s a very simple solution! Contact the Australian Embassy or Consulate in Australia and make an appointment to swear an oath of allegiance! You will re-acquire Filipino Citizenship that way. Note that I’m not a Philippines attorney and can’t advise on Philippines law but that is my understanding.
Hi jeff
Good day! I just give birth for my daughter. My husband will apply for citizenship by decent.do we need to get her a Phil passport at the same time? Or just Australian passport for her after citizenship by decent grant?
Pls advice
It depends on what you want to do. To go to Australia you only need an Australian passport for the child, but if you wish to maintain Philippines Citizenship for the child you should (a) speak to Philippines Immigration and (b) apply for a Philippines passport too.
Hello good morning. I just wanna ask if I’m a Australia Citizens how many days or months allowed to stay in Philippines coz I missed to renew my dual Philippine passport. Coz i want to stay longer with my family more than one month. Pls reply me. Thanks
Australian Citizens can stay overseas as long as they like. No problems staying a few months.
Hello Jeff!
So I am a little bit confused regarding this:
So after applying for Citizenship by Decent and it gets approved, since our son will be an Australian Citizen, How can we travel to Australia? Should I work for a Philippine Passport for him or an Australian Passport so we can travel to his father?
You need to apply for an Australian passport once has Australian Citizenship granted.
Hi! I just want to ask if my son will be qualified to apply for australian citizenship by decent? The father of my child was permanent resident, then. After a month I gave birth to our child here in the philippines, the father was able to pass the citizenship and eventually took oath recently. Does that qualifies our child to apply citizenship by decent?
You can only get Citizenship By Descent for the child if the father was an Australian Citizen at the time of the child’s birth. It’s not retrospective.
Hi,Im an Australian father who has a one year old daughter (filipina) if im to get her a aussie passport by descent, and that is she has the right to everything Australian,if she returns to Philippines and wants to stay there for 6 months does she also have to have a visa like me to enter for that length of time even though she half filipina.
Please check with the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines, or with the Philippines Embassy in Australia. I say this because I have no qualifications in Philippines immigration law, so I can’t advise. In short though you will find that she may regain her Philippines Citizenship (ie become a dual citizen) by the swearing of an oath of allegiance (which I think her mum does this for her).
I have a four year old daughter in the Phillipines. I recently started communicating with her mother again. Reading your comments, I would like to give my daughter the permanent present of an Australian Passport. I’m not on the birth certificate, but would be happy to be added at anytime. What other evidence would I have to provide to the department of immigration?
This isn’t something I can answer you in a comments section, Ingmar. Suggest that you use the Contact Form on the main webpage and explain your situation fully to me. I assume you would like professional help with managing this application?
I have 3 children over 18 in the Philippines and would like to bring them over early next year and wanted to find out what cost are included in your fee if I chose to have you process their applications for Citizenship by Decent?
Hello Anna. Please use the assessment form for that, and I’ll get back to you straight after.
i am australian cetizen by descent i was born in the philipines but now i am 34 years old and i want to see my father in austrslia but i dont have any contact to him only the address in my birthcertifacate and last time meet him i am 10 years old i want to see him what well i do and how for so many years her in philipines can i process my australian cetizen by descent plz advice
You would need to have evidence to prove that your father is an Australian Citizen. If you have that, please complete one of our online assessment forms and we can look at your case.
Hi Sir! I have a son who is already an Australian citizen and he is actually born here in Australia. But he is still in Manila philippines for 1 year now. He will be back in australia after we pay for his penalties. My mom will actually bring him back here in australia if Immigration will grant her a tourist visa for the second time she was also the one that took him to manila 1 year ago . We went to the consulate here to get a consent that i am allowing my mom to take my son to manila.I’m just wondering if immigration in manila airport will not ask for further documents as long as we pay his penalties and show my mom’s valid visa.
I don’t know your circumstances, so I can’t advise you
Hi! So I am planning to apply for a dual citizenship, I am born and raised here in the Philippines, my mom is Filipino and my dad is Australian. While I was reading the “THE DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION FOR PHILIPPINE DUAL CITIZENSHIP ARE THE FOLLOWING” https://sydneypcg.dfa.gov.ph/dual-citizenship/requirements-checklist , Who’s “Australian Certificate of Naturalization and Australian passport” is it my dads? I’m applying on my own since my dad doesnt really like to get involved when I mentioned it to him once through chat. Although I have some documents to prove that he is really Australian.
This is not our area, sorry. Please discuss this with the consulate.
Hello Jeff,
My girlfriend will give birth to our child in 2 months, we would like to apply Australian Citizenship by descent, as I am Australian.
My question is how old does the baby have to be before we can apply for Australian Citizenship, by descent
The baby can be minutes old, Wayne. However it invariably takes a little longer to get a first birth certificate, and can’t apply without that. Fairly soon though. Suggest you complete a free assessment form and we can advise you further.
Hi Jeff I have a 4 year old daughter living in the Philippines with her mother we have been together for 8years I would like to make my daughter an Australian citizen I have birth certificate and all the paper work needed I travel to see them from Australia 2. To 3times a year I Am an Australian citizen can you help us thank you
Definitely, Paul. Please go to this: https://www.downundervisa.com/citizenship-by-descent-for-australian-filipino-kids/
Hi Jeff! Can my baby travel on tourist visa with her Philippine passport even if shes already australian citizen by descent.. or her citizenship is already approved?she only have Philippine passport and we’re planning to get her Australian passport when we get to australia
An Australian Citizen can’t apply for an Australian visa. You should organise the passport for the baby in Philippines and she can fly to Australia using that.
Good evening. I am a child of an Australian citizen. Am i eligible for Citizenship by descent?
Yes you are
my daughter was born in the philippines and lives with her mother who is filipino can i apply here to get her a citizen of australia or do i have to bring her and her mother over here to apply
You can apply for Citizenship By Descent for her right there in the Philippines. If you would like our help, please complete a free visa assessment form. You can see the link on this page.
Hi i want some help, I am planning to apply my child for a citizenship for descent and lodge a prospective marriage visa as a de facto partner , because we are an immidiate family, my questions is
1. does my child needs a filipino passport when we apply for exemption durig this covid?
2.do i need to apply for tourist visa while getting the exemption
i hope to hear from you
You don’t apply for a prospective marriage visa as a de facto couple. It doesn’t work like that. I suggest you get a free assessment ASAP, and let’s see if we can help you.
Hello Jeff, i am a filipina citizen I give birth to my baby 5 months ago here in the philippines his father is australian citizen but he dont want to give his name to my son in birth certificate because he is not yet divorce to her wife . I can put his name to my son even if he not acknowledge please advice but he is support for our son and communicate to me everyday? I just want to ask if my son will be qualified to apply for australian citizenship by decent?
You will have to speak to the Local Civil Registrar about birth registration. That’s not my area of expertise. If your son is the biological child of an Australian Citizen, he will qualify for Australian Citizenship. But you need to be able to prove this.
hi jeff im married to australian citizen and planning go back philippine to delived our baby my due on march just wanna do i need to get my newborn child a citizen by descent before getting him a pasport and what are the requirements
citizen by descent
how long it takes
my husband coming with until i deliver the baby
We can help you with all that if you become our client, Doren. Suggest you get a free assessment done at https://assessments.downundervisa.com
Hi Jeff, i Give birth to my son back home in Philippines my husband is Australian citizen I left my three kids back home please let me know what I needed to apply them Australian by decent they under 16 years old and what form to fill up please let me know thanks
Please complete a free assessment, Nancy. I can advise you then.
hello i have a 2 1/2 year old daughter born in the philippines is she a dual citizen of australia by having an australian father or do i need some kind of visa i would like to bring her here to visit do i have to apply for dual citizen visa/passport in australian or better to do so in manila
If the child is an Australian Citizen, she doesn’t need a visa. She can travel freely, like any other Australian Citizen. If she doesn’t have a passport, you need to apply for one through the Australian Embassy in Manila.
Hi sir… i have a son born in the PH and his father is Australian citizen.. my question is 1. Until now his birth is not yet process bcoz his father says he will register it to the brisbane office or consulate for acknowledgement.
2. If ever i register my son in my name on his brth certificate was he still able or qualified for citizen by descent applications? Or better i wait from his father acknowledgement so my son can use his fathers family name.
3. If ever i can show evidence and God willing my son will be granted for citizen by descent.. my as his mother is not married to his father what visa should i get to back to australia or am i be carried by my sons citizenship as his mother since hisa minor.. thankyou sir for your help and answer its means alot and much appreciated..
GODBLESS YOU .and stay safe
1. have a son born in the PH and his father is Australian citizen.. my question is 1. Until now his birth is not yet process bcoz his father says he will register it to the brisbane office or consulate for acknowledgement.
Answer: You must register his birth in the Philippines! He will be a Philippines Citizen by birth first of all.
2. If ever i register my son in my name on his brth certificate was he still able or qualified for citizen by descent applications? Or better i wait from his father acknowledgement so my son can use his fathers family name.
Answer: Speak to the Local Civil Registrar about this
3. If ever i can show evidence and God willing my son will be granted for citizen by descent.. my as his mother is not married to his father what visa should i get to back to australia or am i be carried by my sons citizenship as his mother since hisa minor..
Answer: You won’t get a visa simply because you are his mother. If your boyfriend intends marrying you, you can apply for a partner visa after that. But you won’t get a visa because of the citizenship, sorry.
I’m an citizen of the Philippines before my application for australian citizenship has been approved. Now that I’m an Australian citizen, are there things or documents that I need to do since I lost my citizenship as a Filipino for being a nationality of Australia?
Yes, please contact the Bureau of Immigration in Philippines or the Philippines Embassy in Australia
My application for Australian citizenship by descent has been approved on march 30,2021. I am confused if there is such limited time for me to stay here in philippines. I was born and raised here in Ph
Please check your documents from the Department
Hi sir, I’m Australian citizen and I have 4 years old daughters born in the Philippines, I would like to know if need DNA test if I apply her for citizenship by descent?
Most of the time, no. But they may request DNA if they have any concerns. Best advice? Get the application professionally managed and it’s considerably less likely.
gday, do i need a visa to travel to aus for my children if they both have a aus citizenship by decent document but only has a philippine passport? thanks
They can travel to Australia if they have Australian Citizenship, yes. But they need to travel on Australian passports.
Hello! I am a Filipina and just obtained my Australian citizenship by descent this year. I already have my Australian passport but I don’t have a Philippine passport. Can I travel to australia without Philippine passport?
You can, but you need an exit clearance from the Bureau of Immigration.
But I am not a visa holder. And I dont have ACR card
Oh wait I saw an application for filipino born and will use us passport on departing. Is it same with Aus passport?
I’m sorry, but I’m confused by what you’re saying. Suggest you talk to the Bureau of Immigration. This is not my area of expertise.
Hello sir, I am currently a subclass 309 visa holder (partner visa applied outside of Australia) here in Australia and still a Filipino Citizen. My husband is an Australian Citizen By Birth. Is it possible that I can apply both Australian Passport and Philippine Passport when our baby is born next year.
Thank you.
You can apply for Citizenship when you meet the requirements, which includes 4 years resident in Australia including ONE year of that as a permanent visa holder, ie the Subclass 100…..not the 309.
I am interested in applying for Australian Citizenship by Descent. My father is an Australian citizen and my mom (who is already deceased) is a Filipina. They were not married, but I was acknowledged by my father; there is an Acknowledgement of Paternity on my birth certificate.
But I am still using the surname of my mother. I would start doing the process of changing my surname to my father’s as soon as this pandemic is contained.
But for now, I’d like to know if I can apply for a Citizenship by Descent if the surname I am still using is my mother’s, which is different from my father’s?
I’ll appreciate your response. Thank you!
You don’t need to change your surname. Yes you may. Take note that I know nothing else of your circumstances, so I’m answering you based on limited information. This is just a response to a comment on a BLOG.
Hi, I would like to ask if where can I seek for help since my father is an Australian but he passed away already. And my mom is a filipina, now, a single parent. I have an older brother and we are both having the same mixed blood, I’m 19 and he’s 23. We were born and raised here in Philippines since we were so young when our father died. I am sincerely hoping that someone could help me here.
We can help you if you can prove that your Australian father IS your father. You need to do an assessment, as we can’t discuss it here. https://assessments.downundervisa.com
hi Jeff i have a 3 year old child to a filipino lady who was born in the philippines my name is on her birth certificate is she eligible for citizen by descent im australian aborigine born here in western australia
Yes absolutely, John. You need to do an assessment, as we can’t discuss it here. https://assessments.downundervisa.com
I am a filipino with a 6 year old Brazilian-born daughter and a single parent. her last name is mine and no father on the birth certificate. she has also dual passport with filipino.
i have an Australian boyfriend now. and pregnant. we are okay with the australian citizenship by decent to our soon baby. and we understand the baby will not have problems in and out of australia. plan to give birth in aussie.
Our question is, what is going to be my visa and my 6 year old daughters visa. we have always been on a tourist visa and now of course we want to stay longer be a family unit in australia. I am not sure if i can apply for a partner visa I was previously married a long long time ago to a filipino when i was younger.
so what are our options. can i apply for other long term visas? like legal guardian or a 12 month tourist etc…? or as a mother of an australian baby, i can have other type of visas. please advise.
You will NEVER get a 12 month tourist visa. Yes, the Department website lists it as an option, but they never grant them. And there is no “legal guardian” visa. If you’re still legally married, you need to either (a) get an annulment of your marriage or (b) be in an established shared-life de facto relationship.
Be aware too that there are travel bans at the moment, so everything is more difficult at the moment. Suggest you get an assessment done (https://assessments.downundervisa.com)
I have a 1y/o son with an Australian citizen but our relationship is over now. But he want to be acknowledge as the father of our son so I send him the original copy of the birth certificate so he can bring it to the philippine embassy in AU. But he have lots of excuses why he can’t go to the embassy. Aside from DNA what other proof can I use to prove that my son’s biological father is really an Australian citizen?
I can advise you about that if you are our client. This is just a comments section on our BLOG page. Suggest you go to our website assessment page and click on Citizenship By Descent.
Hi, Good day!
I am a Filipina and my partner is an AU citizen but we are not married. We have a son who is 1yr and 6 months old born here in the Philippines. My partner was not here when I gave birth to our son due to pandemic. Our son is using my surname but would change it to my partner’s surname in the future.
My question is, can we apply for citizenship by descent even though our son is still using my last name?
can we apply it when we get to au or it’s best to apply it first before traveling to au?
Also, can I bring my other child (Filino child) with me under the same visa (Tourist visa) to au?
Your response will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
You need separate tourist visas for you and your son. And as long as you have plenty of supporting evidence we can probably help you with Citizenship for the child. Suggest you go to https://assessments.downundervisa.com and I can take a look.
hi mr. harvie i just want to ask, if the father is a filipino but now australian citizen, i don’t know if its dual citizenship or Australian citizenship only. what would be the best option? thank you
I don’t understand your question, sorry
Hello Sir Jeff. My child is australian citizenship by descent, can he travel visa-free to Australia with a Philippine passport or does he need an australian passport as well for that?
He needs an Australian passport
Gday Jeff., I was once granted dual citizen ship 15 years ago i lived in Angeles for 6 years being a born Australian, my dad had me get dual cit to buy property for him. since then ive lived in Australia for the past 12 years and my Philippine passport has expired 10 years ago. im thinking about moving back over question is, Do i still have my citizenship? keep in mind i have absolutely no supporting documents of acquiring my passport at that time just the expired passport and a old license, would i be able to renew that passport in the Philippines without having things such as my mothers birth certificate and such. pretty much just the passport. i think i only get a month there with the australian passport i want to stay at least a year.
Cheers, Pete
Best to contact the Philippines Embassy in Canberra, Pete. Not my area.