Citizenship By Descent
Do you have a biological child born in Cambodia who has at least one Australian Citizen as a parent? Would you like your Cambodian child to obtain Australian Citizenship By Descent without a lot of hassle and stress?
If the child is born overseas and where at least one biological parent is an Aussie Citizen at the time of the birth, then the child will be entitled to apply for Australian Citizenship By Descent. The child will then be entitled to apply for an Australian passport, and can travel to and remain in Australia. No visa necessary ever.
This is a great option for those Australian men who have fathered children in Cambodia and wish that those children may become Australian Citizens and to enjoy all the rights of other Australians. Australian Citizenship is not automatic outside of Australia, and whilst it is an entitlement it is an entitlement that must be claimed with a successful application to the Department (Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh). It requires strong evidence of biological fatherhood, which may require DNA test evidence to backup of the claim.

Note that claiming to be the biological father of a child as an “act of chivalry” is not only fraudulent, it is also a criminal offense. Avoid the urge to do anything galant, and to say “I’ll give the child my name” if the child does not share your genes.
When the case is genuine, Citizenship By Descent is a wonderful gift to bestow on your Cambodian children as it is permanent. It does not require entry into Australia at any given point, and remains for the lifetime of the child. This option should be considered also when a partner visa application includes biological children. When the biological child of an Australian Citizen is granted Citizenship By Descent, they may travel to Australia with an Australian *passport without the need to be included as an applicant in a partner visa application, nor will they need to apply for a dependent child visa or child visa later.
*NOTE: Citizenship applications do not include a passport. This requires a separate application by yourselves.
Information contained in this page is of a general nature. Informative, yes, but not a formula for preparing visa applications and should not be relied on as such. The devil is in the detail, rest assured. Australian migration law is complicated and Departmental decisions are inflexible and often final. Readers and future visa applicants and sponsors are advised to rely on professionals to ensure a happy outcome.
It should also be considered by those Australian men who reside full-time in Cambodia, so that their Cambodian children may wish to exercise their right to live in Australia at a later time.
If you have a legitimate claim, we can prepare and lodge an application for the child.
To see if we can help you, please fill out our FREE ASSESSMENT FORM
Citizenship By Descent Pros and Cons