Visa Grant Notices – Read them! No one will remind you!
Monitoring Important Dates on Visa Grant Notices Contrary to the heading, this isn’t a cranky post. But I hope it grabbed the attention, which it was designed to do. This is definitely meant to be a sound warning to read important dates on your visa grant...
Fiancee from Philippines – Still legally married
We get many enquiries from lovesick Australian men who’ve met Filipina girl’s who’ve stolen their hearts. And being the positive and trusting chaps that Aussies tend to be, the fact that the lady is still legally married often doesn’t phase them. They will...
Age gaps and Australian Partner Visas. Does it matter?
This is an area of common concern, and my guess is that for every one prospective Australian sponsor who asks me “Will the differences in our ages cause a problem?”, maybe ten keep quiet. Will the age gap – the fact that you are 20 years, or 30 years, or...
Australian Filipina couples – other priorities?
I remember when our partner visa was granted. It was a Prospective Marriage Visa, actually. Mila was in Hong Kong. She was supposed to give a months notice to her employer, otherwise she would have to sacrifice a months pay. Guess what? She sacrificed a months pay,...
Permanent Partner Visa Refusal Risk
Having any Australian visa refused is bad. No question about it. Visa refusal is heart-breaking. But I can think of very few things worse than spending all that time……literally years!…..bringing your Filipina wife from Philippines to Australia, and...Navigation
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