Tourist visa or partner visa? A big question for Australian Filipina couples.
I’ve done BLOG articles on this topic in the past, and high time I did an update. Things have changed since the last time I did one, and some of what I said before is less relevant than it used to be. But other things remain the same. There is a time for...Australian Visa Applications and Filipino Family
Filipino family members can be helpful and supportive in an Australian visa application for a Filipina girl (tourist visa or partner visa application from the Philippines to Australia), or they can be a major stumbling block to your happiness. This is one of those...Getting a Tourist visa and then starting an onshore partner visa inside Australia
Tourist visa then onshore partner visa later – Can you do this? You’ve probably heard advice from the one-visa-experts on a “Visas to Australia” Facebook group, saying “Oh, just get her over on a simple tourist visa. You can marry her and lodge an onshore...Do you qualify for an Australian visa? The Down Under Visa way
How do you know if you qualify for an Australian visa? Well, firstly not everyone does qualify for an Australian visa. Just wanting the visa a whole lot won’t cut the mustard, sorry to say. As I always say, Australian visas are GRANTS and not RIGHTS. The visa...Fast visa applications versus GOOD visa applications
“We want you to lodge our visa application as quickly as possible, because we want to be together!” We hear this all the time! The other one is about why this is all taking so long? We want to be together during xxxx month, because we want to go to the yyyyyy...Navigation
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