Pregnant Australian Visa Applicant from Philippines
Babies, babies, babies! Australian Filipina couple and she’s pregnant? NOT an exceptional circumstance, we find. Down Under Visa clients seem to be a remarkably fertile lot. Australian men, as we all know, are a fairly enthusiastic lot. And the ladies of the...
Dealing with Philippines Immigration – and other officials
Getting stuck at NAIA Airport in Manila Every traveler’s nightmare, right? There you are, about to check in for your flight to Australia. Passports in one hand, lovely Filipina lady and possibly children in the other…..and Philippines...
Australian Citizenship for Filipino Permanent Residents
Becoming an Australian. Getting naturalised. Getting Australian Citizenship. For I would guess the vast majority of Filipinas and Filipinos who gain Australian partner visas (or are still in the process of getting one), the pinnacle achievement is to become...
Sponsored Parent Visas Are Here
The ideal solution for bringing your parent or parents from Philippines to stay with you for a long time. They can stay for three years or they can stay for five years. And Sponsored Parent Visas may be renewed again, making it possible to have your parents...Navigation
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