Police Clearance for Australian Visas – Why and How?
All Australian visas have what they call a “character requirement”, which means all visa applicants from Philippines to Australia need to pass “the character test”. Migration, like all specialist areas, has its own language. Lots of acronyms, and lots of expressions...
Filipino Food – Some Peculiar Customs for Australians
Filipino Food – Food customs peculiar to the Philippines No doubt readers/listeners will remember the recent post on the wonders of Filipino street food. Well, we had discussions a long time ago (me and daughter Remy, that is) about some of...
David and Lesiel – Down Under Visa Review
Down Under Visa Review and Testimonial David contacted me quite a few years back now about wanting to get a Partner Visa from Philippines to Australia for his long-standing relationship with Lesiel, his Filipina partner. The two had been living together...
Overseas Filipino Workers and Australian Visas
Overseas Filipino Workers (or OFW’s) are those wonderful human beings who leave their homes and families and work in sometimes awful places in some strange countries in order to provide a better life for their families than what their own lives have been. And...Navigation
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