Filipino Teenagers and Australian Family Visas
Filipino teenagers! Filipina teenage girls? When they were 10, 11 or 12? They were delightful. Talked all the time. Happy 24 hours a day. Never stop smiling, and are loving and respectful to parents (biological parents and “step” parents alike). Then the...
Long Stay Tourist Visa Strategy from Philippines to Australia
Australian Tourist Visas were designed for short stays….not long stays! They were designed with typical visitors in mind. Those who would visit for a bit, then leave again. For those in the early stages of an Australian Filipina relationship, fantastic!...
Jacob and Rose – A Review of Aussie visa agents Down Under Visa
Jacob and Rose Review Down Under Visa Jacob is an Australian man who did what so many are doing these days, and that is he met and fell in love with a lady from another country. In this case he met Rose, a Filipina lady who was living in Malaysia at the...
Remarrying in Philippines – Will you have problems?
Are you an Australia divorcee and intend on remarrying in Philippines? Met your lovely Filipina lady and want to give her the dream wedding with all her family there? Are you concerned about whether this will be a problem or not? We will explain some of the...Navigation
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