Australian Partner Visas, Pregnancy and Babies

Bet they’re thinking about making babies!
Australian Partner Visas from the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand or Cambodia! It means loving couples, and the younger ones especially have these……urges! Urges to make BABIES! Urgent to start families! All part of the working day for Down Under Visa!
Primarily, we get visas to Australia for couples. Australian Partner visas, and Australian Tourist Visas for Australian men and the loves of their lives from South East Asia so they can be together because they’re in love. And these are normal healthy couples who of course want families of their own! It would be very odd if none of them did, right?
- Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visas
- Subclass 309 Offshore Partner Visas
- Subclass 820 Onshore Partner Visas
- Subclass 461 New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visas
- Subclass 600 Visitor Visas
Mother Nature has plans! You want an Australian partner visa? Mother Nature wants babies, and our couples end up making babies whether planned or not! Mostly planned and always a source of happiness and excitement. I warn my Australian man clients that these beautiful ladies are a fertile lot! You wouldn’t believe how often an assessment or a followup email includes “Well…..we think she may be pregnant” or “She just found out she’s pregnant” or “We REALLY want to get pregnant, so how will that affect things??”
It affects things in a very big way! This is a new little person coming into the world, and timing is everything! The timing and place of their arrival in this world can be a source of happiness and comfort, or it can be a source of stress and insecurity and even fear!
So please read carefully!
A good Australian Partner Visa scenario
I write this because I had an email from an Australian partner visa client the other day. He won’t mind me including some of the words:
I want to extend a massive thank you for everything you’ve done to support us—first in helping my wife settle in Australia and then in successfully submitting the next stage, enabling us to access Medicare.
We’re thrilled to share that we welcomed our first child yesterday at 8:18 PM, a beautiful little girl.
I can never truly express how grateful we are for all your assistance in helping our family.
This is what we want to see! She has a visa (in this case, a Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa) and has a Subclass 820 Onshore Partner Visa in the pipeline. Baby born to the married couple in an Australian hospital to a mum who doesn’t need to leave, and baby is an Australian Citizen at birth!
Mum is safe and in a stable immigration status, and Dad is by her side when his daughter is born. They get to go home afterwards and get on with their lives! Idyllic! Perfect! And this happened because Jeff Harvie told them what they need to do, and they listened!
Less than idyllic Australian Partner Visa scenarios
Hugely pregnant in the Philippines or other South East Asian country
You need two things to get on a plane whilst pregnant:
- You need to be early enough in the pregnancy to be allowed to fly! I won’t tell you how many weeks the cut-off is, because it varies between airlines. They all have their own rules.
- You need to be in good health! The airline will want a letter from your doctor saying you are OK to fly! If you have any health issues during the pregnancy, they may not give you a clearance. This may be considerably earlier than the airline normally requires!
- They don’t want you giving birth 30,000 feet in the air in your non-reclining plane seat! And neither do you! And if there are issues, they don’t want you dying mid-air either!
- What this means is that whether you have a granted visa or not, it’s not much use if you can’t get on the plane!
She gives birth outside Australia
This causes a number of issues!
Baby doesn’t have a passport!
- Baby needs birth registered, and needs a birth certificate before anything can be done. Depending on the country, chances are the birth needs to be registered NOT automatically in the hospital like how it’s done in Australia. And the first birth certificate may take months to get!
- Only then can you apply for the passport for baby! So it may take 4 or 5 months to get a passport!
Baby obviously doesn’t have a visa
- Regardless of whether mum has an Australian visa or not, baby is not included in this visa grant. And once a visa is granted, it’s NOT a simple case of tagging baby on! Can’t add a child to an existing granted visa!
- So can apply for a tourist visa, but guess what? NO guarantee that tourist visa for baby will be granted!
- Can apply for Citizenship By Descent for baby, but that will take 4 – 6 months to be granted. And this still requires a birth certificate and then an Australian passport application after that!
- That means she may or may not have her Australian husband/partner with her. She has family members, but not the father of the child.
- And even if he DOES manage to fly out and be there, well…..he’s just going to go back again minus Mum and minus baby! Nothing idyllic about that!
To those gents who haven’t been fathers before, please understand that pregnant ladies ARE delicate! And I don’t mean this in a patronizing way. They are not running and jumping and taking everything the world throws at them! They are growing a baby, and they are emotional. Hormones are going in all directions, and they crave safety and security for themselves and their baby. And as the father of the child, it’s your job to provide that security and safety and stability.
In short? You do NOT want her giving birth this way. You want what I described above!
She gives birth INSIDE Australia on a tourist visa
- Baby is born as an Australian Citizen (assuming dad is either an Australian Citizen or a Permanent Resident at the time).
- And guess what? MUMMY is neither a citizen or a permanent resident of Australia. She will need to go back!
- And guess what else? Baby is a Citizen of Australia and NOT a Citizen of the Philippines, and also has no passport!
Without elaborating further, I think you can see that this is a bit of a mess and also far from idyllic!
An idyllic Partner Visa and Family Beginnings
I think you can all see what I’m saying, right? Clear enough?
Try not to start a family until you and your wife are stable in Australia with a Partner Visa (Offshore Partner Visa, Onshore Partner Visa or Prospective Marriage Visa). Babies anywhere and everywhere need a safe nest! Build that nest to keep Mum and baby safe and secure!
Please contact Down Under Visa via the FREE ONLINE ASSESSMENT FORM for guidance on how to make the safe and secure nest for your family IN Australia so you can have as many babies as you want! And there ends the Family Planning advice!
Down Under Visa Christmas Vacation 2024
Dates here Down Under Visa – 2024 Christmas Vacation Dates
Questions: Please search our BLOG menu or Visa Knowledge Base
Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.
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