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CFO News! No longer needed for tourist visas!


CFO New 2023 CFO seminar and certificate no longer needed for tourist visa holders to Australia.


Do you need to attend the CFO for a tourist visa?


Not anymore! 

For those who don’t know, the CFO aka Commission for Filipinos Overseas, was set up in the 1980’s to provide guidance seminars for Filipinos going overseas, whether for work (OFW) purposes or for those fiancees and spouses of foreign nationals who have Partner Visas or Fiancee Visas (aka Prospective Marriage Visas).

These seminars are to ensure that the visa holders know their rights in the new country to protect them from being abused and taken advantage of. A really great scheme, which has no doubt helped a lot of vulnerable Filipinos over the years.

The CFO issued an advisory a few days ago. They never tell us! Fortunately I stumbled upon this bit of news.


“Filipino fiancees, spouses and other partners of foreign nationals holding tourist visas are no longer required to undergo the CFO Guidance and Counseling Program starting 3 September 2023.”


Partner visa holders (including Prospective Marriage Visa holders) and other permanent resident visa holders ARE still required to attend! Don’t forget that!

And we strongly advise those who gained their permanent resident visas inside Australia (ie Subclass 820 Onshore Partner Visa AND Subclass 801 Onshore Partner Visa permanent) should make sure they attend whenever they return to the Philippines after being in Australia, or you may get stopped from boarding at the airport! Don’t give yourselves a headache by forgetting!  


Passport Stickers from CFO


It used to be a requirement to get a sticker in your passport when your visa is granted. USED to be! Since earlier this year they removed that requirement, and we removed that instruction from our client notes.

Do you have to inform them that your partner visa has been granted? No idea! Probably not, as I don’t see how the Bureau of Immigration staff at the airport would know whether you told them or not.

They only need to see:

  • Your visa grant
  • Your CFO certificate


But would appreciate if someone with a visa grant CAN tell the CFO and see if they say “Oh, you don’t need to tell us anymore!”  And let us know?


Happy travels!    



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Jeff Harvie is a Registered Migration Agent from Australia, but resident in Philippines since 2010 with his Filipina wife Mila and large extended family. Experienced with the Philippines culture, cross-cultural relationships and bureaucracy as well as Australian visas and Australian Migration Law, he writes with authority and fortunately with enough informality and humour that the average Aussie gets it!


Better ways to get a partner from Philippines to Australia?
Relationship evidence for onshore partner visa applications


  1. igration Agent

    This update on the removal of the CFO seminar requirement for tourist visa holders is highly informative and underscores the significance of staying current with visa regulations to better serve clients in the immigration industry.

  2. Dalibor Grzetic

    My Filipina wife is going to leave The Philippines for the first time and come to visit me in Croatia.With regard to new regulations I am not sure does she need undergo to CFO or not? She is coming to Croatia on VISIT, not turist visa. I will appreciate your response.
    Thank you ?

    • Jeff Harvie

      No idea sorry. Need to contact the CFO.

  3. Darrell

    My wife has been granted a Australia partner Visa and has been trying to book a appointment to do the CFO seminar as required by Philippines immigration but can’t get through to the website any suggestions on what to do?

    • Jeff Harvie

      Keep trying! Or see if there’s a phone number.

  4. Flynn


    Your post is highly informative! Glad to randomly see this.
    Is this CFO still going on? I’m planning to go back to the Philippines this coming December 2024, I’m from Australia 801 Visa holder. Reading this CFO stressed me out. I haven’t been back to the Philippines since 2019.

    • Jeff Harvie

      CFO still exists, and is necessary for all partner visa holders.

    • Citrine

      I came back to AU from PH last May 2024 i didn’t have any CfO as i never get asked about it before but this time they did ask for it i was just lucky that they let me through and advised me to undergo seminar once i come back to PH again … im going home this Nov 2024 and i Booked my seminar already thru online so no hassle in the Immi when i come back ( fingers crossed ?). My question is what are the requirements for CFO, their online requirements is confusing for PR visa via de facto like me. I msgd their official FB page but they cant give any answer either.Hope someone can share idea or knowledge about this before i go home ?.

      • Jeff Harvie

        We don’t have any professional dealings with the CFO. We advise our clients as best we can, but you need to talk to them. And know that they CAN spring new things on you as they see fit.


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