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Hello to Down Under Visa Clients, new, old and pending! Jeff Harvie here on Wednesday, reflecting on what’s been happening since we started again (working to get you an Australian visa) last Wednesday after our Down Under Visa annual Christmas break.


Down Under Visa Visas from Philippines to Australia 2022

Apparently this is me!


Have we been busy? Yes, very much so. And we thank you all for the patience you’ve shown. One client even said “Don’t reply tonight. You’ve done enough today already.” Nice!

But happy to say that I’m up to date, and the office is processing documents speedily enough. And Remy is on top of her emails, so no one is waiting too long. That’s how I’ve always liked it! I have colleagues who believe that responding to emails within one week is OK. Not us!


Australian Partner Visa Options from the Philippines?


Travel Ban Exemptions


These are still being granted. Last year, regulars will remember, I was a bit dirty on these and how they were being processed. GENUINELY qualified couples were being refused often again and again. Utterly shameful, and the source of a lot of misery on clients who deserved to be together. 


I’m going to write something next week about the latest Omicron COVID strain, but in short I think those-in-charge are fully aware that this is a bit of a storm in a teacup. 

Latest news from Cavite province in the Philippines last week

  • Around 2,000 cases
  • Hospital beds at 42% capacity (ie more than 1/2 empty)
  • 96%+ of cases no symptoms or mild symptoms
  • No deaths!

A bit like the common cold in other words! Anyone arriving from the Philippines who is fully vaccinated and tested before they get on a plane is hardly a risk to Australia, are they? In fact I think they knew this a long time ago, but now they seem to be putting it into action by easing up on granting Travel Ban Exemptions. Thank goodness!


Onshore Partner Visas with Tourist Visas and Travel Ban Exemptions


Onshore Partner Visas – As long as the couple has a genuine and committed relationship, and have met in person and are either:

  • Married already or
  • In an establish de facto relationship

Then we are happy to look at Onshore Partner Visa applications once again as long as they meet the above criteria.

If you haven’t met in person or cannot or will not marry before applying (or are not in a de facto relationship for the right length of time) then we would rather not. That means right now if you intend marrying in Australia, then this is NOT for you!


Prospective Marriage Visa


The classic “Fiancee Visa”! Offshore application for couples who wish to marry in Australia. Being processed fairly quickly these days, and gives you 12 months inside Australia to organize your wedding and the next stage of a partner visa. As along as you’ve met in person and have a solid intention to marry in Australia within 12 months of arriving, then this could well be the right visa for you.


Offshore Partner Visa


Offshore Partner Visas are getting processed fairly quickly now, and a perfect choice for the following:

  • Couples who will marry online or marry in the Philippines when they can
  • Couples who will marry LATER, but wish to lodge the application sooner
  • Couples with a genuine and committed relationship (and are married!) but who haven’t met in person yet

And note that once borders open to Australia for those who don’t qualify for Travel Ban Exemptions now, we CAN apply for tourist visas even after an offshore partner visa application has been lodged. Hopefully not too much longer.


Visas for Parents


The long shutdown has meant that many of you are seriously missing mum and dad from the Philippines! 

At the start of November the Government (in their infinite compassion) allowed PARENTS of:

  • Adults
  • Permanent Residents, or
  • Australian Citizens

….to apply for Travel Ban Exemptions to visit Australia!

And from our experience, they are granting them readily without hassle. We’ve had no refusals.

This means you can bring your parents to Australia for either (a) a short time or (b) a really long time!


Tourist Visa


Standard tourism stream tourist visas are a simple option for parents if you want mum and/or dad from the Philippines to visit you for 3 or maybe 6 months. 


Sponsored Temporary Parent Visa


Sponsored Temporary Parent Visas – Want mum and/or dad from the Philippines to come and stay for you for 3 or 5 years? Want the option to apply again, taking the stay up to maybe 10 years?

A bit more involved, and not overly cheap, however compare this with the cost of child care centers for the next five years for your kids? And the value of having someone with YOUR kids in YOUR home who actually loves them? What do the ads say? PRICELESS!


Tourist visas for everyone else?


  • ONLY if the visa applicant qualifies for a Travel Ban Exemption, ie your SPOUSE or your CHILD! NOT your girlfriend or even your fiancee, sorry! 
  • Your children? Yes, but talk to us about this please?


Prospective Marriage Visa holders


This means those who you who had a PMV granted and are now in Australia, either married already or just about to marry.

Well done all of you for your patience, especially those who were on-hold during the first part of COVID, and for those who had to wait ages to get flights. 

There’s a final stage! Don’t forget this, and don’t mess this up! It’s on the first page of your visa grant. 

Length of stay [the date]

You need to:

  1. Marry before this date, and 
  2. Lodge an onshore partner visa (Subclass 820) before this date


Onshore Partner Visa for Prospective Marriage Visa holders


This is not as complicated OR as expensive as doing a full onshore partner visa application if you started from scratch. They HAVE sorted out most of your ID, character, health and genuine-relationship evidence already as part of the prospective marriage visa.

Main issue?

You said you would marry and live as a committed couple. THIS is what they want to see. They want to see that you did what you said you were going to do.

We are happy to help you with this stage, as quite a number of you have done already this month. Please just email me and tell me what you want to do?


Need help? Use an assessment form for anything new, and for Prospective Marriage Visa holders needing to move ahead? Just email Jeff. You already know the email address (ie won’t put it here or I get more SPAM!)



Free online visa assessment form from Down Under Visa



COVID CONCERNS? From 21 Feb 2022 the Australian border will be open. You just need a visa and to be double-vaxed! Click above and get a free assessment!


Jeff Harvie is a Registered Migration Agent from Australia, but resident in Philippines since 2010 with his Filipina wife Mila and large extended family. Experienced with the Philippines culture, cross-cultural relationships and bureaucracy as well as Australian visas and Australian Migration Law, he writes with authority and fortunately with enough informality and humour that the average Aussie gets it! Down Under Visa specialises in visas for Australians in relationships with ladies and gents from Philippines, Thailand, China and Vietnam. Read MORE
COVID-19 and the new Omicron Variant - the beginning of the end!
January 2022 - Down Under Visa News

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