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Forgive the awful title! I thought it might attract some attention!


Australian Borders Open

The situation is in good hands (?)


So what’s happening with the Australian border Dec 2021?


Sure enough, just as I post an article saying nothing has changed, something changes! And having people answer my article posts on Facebook pages with “Well, the Australian border and Philippines border is da da da da……!”…..yeah well!


Australian border is partially opening on 1st December! 


Yes, on 1st of December certain FULLY-VACCINATED visa holders may enter Australia without needing Travel Ban Exemptions. No restrictions on entering!

There’s a list of eligible visas here (, but for the purposes of Down Under Visa clients it means:


Subclass 300 – Prospective Marriage Visa

Subclass 461 – NZ Citizen Family Relationship Visa

Subclass 870 – Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa


These visa holders will NOT need a Travel Ban Exemption from 1 December 2021!


But they must be FULLY VACCINATED! No way around this! That means:

  • Two doses at least 14 days apart of:
    • AstraZeneca Vaxzevria
    • AstraZeneca Covishield
    • Pfizer/Biontech Comirnaty
    • Moderna Spikevax
    • Sinovac Coronavac
    • Bharat Biotech Covaxin
    • Sinopharm BBIBP-CorV (for 18-60 year olds).
  • Or one dose of:
    • Johnson & Johnson/ Janssen-Cilag COVID Vaccine.


How about bringing the fiancee or girlfriend/boyfriend to Australia on a Tourist Visa?


No sorry. Not yet. Still shut, just like before.

But watch this space for updates!


Permanent Visa Holders


Permanent visa holders have always been able to enter the Australian border. Same as Australian Citizens. And for partner visa holders, that includes those visas which are TECHNICALLY “temporary” like:

  • Subclass 309 – Offshore Partner Visa
  • Subclass 820 – Onshore Partner Visa

It also includes child visas, like:

  • Subclass 445 – Dependent Child Visa
  • Subclass 101 (or 802) – Child Visa

These visa holders may enter freely. Vaccination requirements? At the moment, nothing. However things are changing rapidly and it wouldn’t surprise me if they did bring in this requirement. Best to be prepared.


Before you travel!


Strongly advise to click on before you plan traveling, and keep checking for any changes. Don’t rely on what you read a month ago!


Philippines Border – Yellow Zones and Green Zones


There have been some enthusiastic announcements and YouTube videos saying that the Philippines border is now open, but it’s not as simple as that. Not yet.

They are INTENDING to allow visitors in, based on what country they spent the last 14 days in. That’s right! Not the country of residency or citizenship. The place you spent the last 14 days in. If your country is not on “the list” but you’ve spent 14 days or more in a country which is on “the list”? You will be able to enter… long as your resident country is not on the red list!

WILL be! It hasn’t happened yet!

There is a red list, yellow list and green list.

Red is high risk. Yellow is moderate risk. Green is low risk.

Australia is CURRENTLY on the yellow list. Once Australia moves to the green list, then fully vaccinated travelers (with a negative swab test) will be able to enter. WILL be! 

So again, nothing has really happened. But it’s heading in the right direction.


What should you do right now about travel and visa plans?


First of all, I hope most people will be positive and remain positive! Changes are happening in the right direction! 


Two of our kids at the mall, after lockdown for last 18 months!


Last year? Every time they made an announcement, it mean more restrictions. More lockdowns. More bad news. Now? It’s very obvious the direction that the world is heading in, and we will very soon be back to a state of near-normalcy where international travel will be again a normal and relatively easy thing. 

And couples will again be able to visit each other and see and touch each other!


Travel Plans?


The same bit of advice that Down Under Visa have always given has been do NOT book flights until you have a visa…..and/or travel ban exemption……and/or the right to enter Australia or enter the Philippines!

So DON’T make firm plans with fixed dates!

And PLEASE don’t ask poor Jeff for the dates when borders will be open, because I’m as in-the-dark as everyone else!

But at the same time, yes you can and should plan…..just without committing to firm dates! It’s time to look forward once again!


Tourist Visas? Partner Visas? Parent or Child Visas?


Get started! Get on with it!

If you know what you want? Make a start! 

Had a new client yesterday saying he wanted his Filipina wife to travel to Australia in January. I told him of course that I HOPE January will be possible, but that I don’t know. He signed up for a partner visa AND a tourist visa, and wants the tourist visa application lodged ASAP so at least it’s there in the system! Each new day brings them closer to being together, and he told me he feels much better knowing that at least they’ll no longer be sitting on their hands!

So that’s my advice to you. You can see the writing on the wall, and can see the changes that are happening rapidly. 

  • If you’ve already been in contact with Down Under Visa about your plans but have been putting them off? Email Jeff and lets talk about getting started!
  • If you haven’t been in contact with us yet? Get a free visa assessment done! It will take you five minutes, which is a small time-investment. Tell us what you want, and we will explain in detail what we can do to make your dreams come true!



Free online visa assessment form from Down Under Visa



COVID CONCERNS? From 21 Feb 2022 the Australian border will be open. You just need a visa and to be double-vaxed! Click above and get a free assessment!



Jeff Harvie is a Registered Migration Agent from Australia, but resident in Philippines since 2010 with his Filipina wife Mila and large extended family. Experienced with the Philippines culture, cross-cultural relationships and bureaucracy as well as Australian visas and Australian Migration Law, he writes with authority and fortunately with enough informality and humour that the average Aussie gets it! Down Under Visa specialises in visas for Australians in relationships with ladies and gents from Philippines, Thailand, China and Vietnam. Read MORE


End of 2021 - Down Under Visa Annual Holidays
Australian Borders November 2021 - Open or Closed?


  1. lili

    Can we apply for tourist visa now even if the Aus Gov still not yet fully opened?

    • Jeff Harvie

      Can apply, yes. But they won’t grant until the borders do open.


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