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Christmas comes just once a year, as they say. Christmas 2017 is no exception. Often known as the Silly Season, because emotions make people do silly things. Is it different in the world of visas and migration? No. Not that I’ve seen. Emotions run hot, and often logic goes out the window.


Christmas 2017 means that Down Under Visa are taking a Christimas break


Just a reality check to all!

Every year I must say that the Australian Embassy in Manila do a marvelous job. Visa grant notices go out right up until late on Christmas Eve. If they can get the grants out, they will. I imagine it’s a bit like Santa’s Workshop in there, with busy little elves trying their very best to make everyone happy. And yes they most certainly do. Getting a visa in time so you can be together for Christmas is really great, and most Down Under Visa clients would like that option.

But honestly? Right now? Preparing a visa application often takes a couple of weeks. It doesn’t take that long because we’re not willing and able. It just does because there are things to organise. We don’t slap together quickie applications that stand a poor chance of success. We put a great deal of effort into making quality applications that fully reflect your situation and help the Case Officers in the Australian Embassy in Manila to see that you have a strong case. We cannot and will not substitute quality for speed!

So, a couple of weeks, plus 1 – 2 weeks processing time for a visa application in the Embassy means that getting a tourist visa in time for Christmas is not highly likely. So please be aware of that. We would love to say YES to everything, and we end up feeling like that Grinch thing that Jim Carrie portrayed in that awful movie (strange how complicated Americans make Christmas, isn’t it??) being the bearer of bad news. But what else can we do? We’re not going to lie to you. Chances are very slim. Would have been much better if you had approached us a month ago to avoid the inevitable Christmas bottleneck of visa applications.


Note too that our Christmas break is coming up very soon too.

More need to be realistic.

Down Under Visa – Christmas Closure

Last day – Friday 22nd December

First day back – Monday 8th January


NOTE: This is a re-posting of a BLOG article from 2015


Breaking news - PIC 4020 changes revoked
A rush-job partner visa application? Crazy!


  1. Rob Cruse

    Merry Christmas to you all at Downunder Visas I hope you all have a wonderful time.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Thanks Rob!

  2. Giovanni Fiorito

    Hi Jeff , I had conversation with Consolation about the fees and charges for the starting the visa process ,do yours require now ,can you please let me know what is the total charges if it’s so whiting from your reply ,thankyou kindly Giovanni. ( regarding the attachments you have send to both of us we can’t open ,there are untitled !)

    • Jeff Harvie

      Hello Giovanni. I emailed you early in the week. You have everything you need there to get started. Please email me (not on here) if you need any further explanations. Cheers

  3. Cristina H

    Hi, Jeff. I appreciate your professional and conscientious approach to the visa process. Speaking of Christmas…

    I have a simple case. I am a Filipina. I seek a tourist visa to travel to Australia from December 14-29, with my American partner (who is based in Bangkok).

    My visa has nothing to do with work, residency, marriage, or any other purpose than a quick visit to Melbourne to see the sights and visit my sister. (If it would be easier, my sister and her partner could serve as my sponsors. But my own partner typically sponsors me and vouches for me when we travel together internationally.)

    My partner and I have traveled together many times to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. I am currently a student at a registered culinary academy in Manila.

    My partner has reserved a business class ticket for me to travel round-trip to Melbourne from December 14-29, as mentioned. But he must purchase it by *November 16* or we will lose the reservation. Do I have any hope of success to obtain an Australian tourist visa by November 16? We would be thrilled to work with you to achieve this in whatever way is necessary. If this is unrealistic and we should scrap our plans we trust your judgment and will do so immediately. Many thanks.

    • Jeff Harvie

      You won’t get a visa by the 16th, sorry

  4. Stephen mccone

    Marry Christmas
    Jeff. Jeremy. Mila. And team
    Have a great well deserved break
    Hope to hear more good news and story’s early in the New Year. 2018
    Thx so far
    Stephen and Florida

    • Jeff Harvie

      Many thanks, Stephen and Florida. Cheers.

  5. Dave and Cherry

    To Jeff, Jeremy, Mila and all the staff thanks for all your expertise and helping out with visa. We wish you all a merry Christmas and new year Cheers.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Our pleasure, Dave and Cherry. Have a great Christmas together!


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