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A client asked my son Jeremy today if he preferred being called Jeremy or Jeff. He said he preferred Jeremy, but he’d got quite used to being called Jeff. The prospect of confusing people was one of the reasons I chose his name in the first place, and it continues to work to this day! And my son has had no choice but to imbibe aspects of my sense of humour.

For those of you who are not aware, Down Under Visa is very much a family operation here in Manila.

Jeff Harvie: Registered Migration Agent (RMA), and overall man in charge. We function according to the Code Of Conduct, which is written into Law. All advice comes from me. Other staff assist, but no advice is given without my approval.

Jeff Harvie and Harvie family Down Under Visa

I view all emails and at times I modify them. We do NOT employ cheap local staff and put them in charge of managing clients cases. Everything is managed by Jeff Harvie, RMA.

Mila Harvie: Administration Manager, and Filipina wife of Jeff Harvie. Mila is my business partner, and she acts as a go-between with Filipina fiancées , wives and partners who find it easier to talk to a lady in Tagalog. She has a great skill at extracting the real issues when ladies are having problems, and the former school teacher in her comes out when she needs to put them back on track.

Jeremy Harvie: Office Manager, and my right-hand-man. He’s also my son, and future RMA. He supervises the office procedures and ensures that client documents are checked and filed properly. He also sends reports on what has arrived and what is still outstanding. He has a role of following up existing clients and helping them with their documentary requirements. His role was created when we became busier and we needed to ensure that all clients received a personalised service.

We also have two secretaries who do administrative work and filing. This is Julie Ann and Sarah. Sarah’s role will shortly be upgraded, and she will do something similar to what Jeremy is doing except with the ladies. Sarah is Filipina, and will be able to communicate with the lady clients in Tagalog. She’s also my sister-in-law, and we trust her absolutely otherwise she would not be considered for this role. We also have eight other staff members who check documents, do data-entry and other admin tasks. No giving advice, of course. And Jeremy’s wife Sherry will soon take an active role in the office where we can take advantage of her great English skills and fairly sharp mind. Well, she IS marrying a Harvie after all! [NOTE: This article has been updated in November 2017 to reflect changes since May 2013.]

You can be assured of the highest standards of care with Down Under Visa. We ARE in Manila all the time. We don’t leave our office unsupervised and in the hands of unqualified staff whom Australian sponsors cannot communicate with while we sit around in Australia. You will always be met by a middle-aged Aussie who understands your situation only too well, because this middle-aged Aussie has been in your shoes before. And your lady will feel comfortable in the hands of a very smart Filipina lady who has also been through it all.

AND we do nothing but Australian Partner Visas, ie. prospective marriage visas (fiancée visas) and partner visas (spouse visas), as well as associated tourist visas. We don’t water our skills down by trying to be all things to all people. We are here for the Aussies who have had the good fortune to fall in love with good Filipina ladies.

Please have a look at Down Under Visa, and please use our Partner Visa Assessment Form so we can see if we can help you.

NOTE: This is an updated version of a May 2013 article


Tourist Visa? Or do you need a Prospective Marriage Visa?
Christmas 2017 – Silly Season is upon us


  1. stella marie v. simega

    hi.. i’m stella..i have heard from a friend about the services you do to help process of how to get a visa to australia..i will tell my boyfriend about one question is that if you could quote me a price like how much would it cost us to have your company process my visa..thank you so much..God bless.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Hello Stella. We would be happy to help you both. Could you please complete the assessment form on the website? We can give you all the information you need then, including costs. Thanks.

      Jeff Harvie

  2. Janita baljon

    Hi im janita baljon, can i ask what visa is the best and not long time to process, PMV or PARTNER VISA , i’ve been to Australia last year for tourist visa 3 months to visit my bf, i really appreciate if you will help me the best visa i can get, thank you

    • Jeff Harvie

      None are quick and none are easy, Janita. And none are easier or harder than the other. Suggest you simply decide when and where you wish to marry, then complete an online visa assessment form.

  3. Desley Gonsalves

    Hi Jeff
    I cannot see a phone number on your web site, i need to ask a couple of questions for my father you have delt with him before. He wants to get a lady out here he has know her for years.

    Desley Gonsalves


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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