In this week’s episode of our Weekly Q&A one participant asked What do you need to do to enrol a child or children from the Philippines in school in Australia?
The exact question was:
An issue comes up when you bring kids from the Philippines to Australia as part of an Australian partner visa application as a dependent child. What is involved in enrolling them in school in Australia? How difficult is this, and is it expensive?Do you have Filipino children (or child) starting school in Australia? How do you organise this? And is it expensive? What do you need to bring?
Hi Jeff, Since arriving in Australia some ten months ago with my partner and her son on a partner visa obtained through your company, we have had no problems enrolling her son in school. The partner visa allows him to access the same as any aussie child and since he has started at school he has gone ahead in leaps and bounds. We have found the Australian schools and teachers very helpful and accommodating at all times.
Keep up the good work, hope this helps someone who is worried about the transition.
Appreciate that very much, Russell. It’s exactly our experience too, and I see these Filipina ladies worrying unnecessarily and trying to make their visa grant fit in with a Filipino school year……or leaving the kids behind when they would rather they were with them. Appreciate the confirmation!