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Australian partner visa applications require the visa applicant to undertake a full medical examination (aka “the medicals”), and a chest xray. There will be a blood test for HIV/AIDS, and possibly one for hepatitis. Some tourist visa applications also require xray examinations where they are concerned about the risk of TB (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) which is prevalent in Philippines.

australian partner visa applications require medical examinations aka medicals and xray examinations for visa applicants

The visa applicant needs this, as do any dependent children whether they are migrating or not. Why? I don’t know, but they do. And this is set in law in the Migration Regulations, so there is nothing gained by arguing the logic (or lack thereof) of it.

And a dependent child is:

  • Any child under 18, unless you could show that they are legally (ie. not just living with your ex) not in your custody anymore
  • Any child over 18 if they are in fact dependent on you. If they are working, moved-out, married or in a de facto relationship, they are not dependent on you.

I won’t go into the reasons for Medicals or what they are looking for here. You can read all about it HERE.

Problems and misunderstandings with visa medicals?

Like anything that comes from a rigid system such as is the case with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and Australian immigration law, of course there can be confusion and a few mistakes. The purpose of this article is to clear up a few common misconceptions and errors.

Kids Visa Medicals not done?

There are varying reasons for this, some valid and some not-so-valid because the applicant wants to save themselves the hassle especially when it seems pointless. Or otherwise there IS something wrong with the child, and the visa applicant doesn’t want to expose this to the Department (DIBP). Again, I have no logical explanation as to why non-migrating kids need medicals, but it’s set in the rules. You can’t just easily get out of it.

I’ve had a few applicants over the years who have said they can’t bring the kids because they either:

  • Have no access to the children, because they don’t know where the father took them or;
  • The father and/or family are very violent and she can’t go near them out of fear.

And in every time, the Embassy has followed up and wanting more evidence to support this. In most cases the applicant has ended up emailing me to tell me she’s already taken the kids for the Medical!

It’s not something they waive lightly. Please don’t ever think they will. And these days you could face refusal for false statements too, which is a very bad outcome. I’m not saying anything about anyone in particular, so I hope no one emails me and says Are you accusing Emy Lou of lying?? This is just a general warning that there is not an easy way out of it.

If there is a legitimate reason, then yes they will normally waive that requirement, aka “issue a waiver”. But be prepared to need to back up whatever you say, and ensure that it’s all 100% true.

Want your own doctor or local clinic for a Visa Medical?

Can’t be done! They have their own authorized clinics, and that’s it. They don’t know your doctor so therefore don’t have any trust in your doctor. There are available clinics (known as e-clinics, eclinics) in Manila, Baguio, Cebu City and Davao City and that’s it. There are also clinics in Australia run (or authorized) by Bupa Pty Ltd who do visa medical examinations.

Want to get the Visa Medical done earlier?

Also can’t be done. A Medical Request is generated at the time that an application is lodged, and is issued with a “HAP Number”. That number links electronically with the application itself, so the results don’t go astray. So you need to wait for that.

Want to get the results of the Visa Medical?

The results of the Medical examination and the Xray examination go directly to Canberra. They go to the health section of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection known as the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC). Long-winded name for a number of people. It’s not a single, ultra-important doctor!

The results go straight there, and they are confidential! We don’t see them! Manila Embassy don’t see them. And you definitely don’t see them. Annoying, because you have paid for them and would of course be curious. But for whatever reason, you don’t get to see anything at all.

Note that the doctors and nursing staff at the e-Clinics love telling clients “We will call you when the results are in”, or something similar. All nonsense, I’m afraid. I suspect they do this to avoid having to explain 100+ times a day how they can’t give out the results, so they take the path of least resistance. Trust me, you won’t see the results.

You will hear something if there is an issue, and you will hear it a few weeks or a few months away.

It’s a slow process, and it’s designed to keep serious diseases out of Australia and to prevent Australia being burdened with the expense and the drain on resources that would result if they didn’t have a screening process. That’s the reason for the Medicals after all.

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  1. Rose

    Hello, how about if check your blood they see you have HEPA B? The visa refused?

    • Jeff Harvie

      Possibly. It depends on whether it would be a major expense to the Australian Government. It will depend on the prognosis of your own condition.

  2. Lou

    Hi. Can we have a chest x-ray prior to going to the eclinics just to have a look if we have scars in our lungs? And should we inform the eclinics about it? How will it affect the medical test workflow? Thanks

    • Jeff Harvie

      You can, and you should. And the e-clinic will find out anyway once they do their own xray.

  3. Jhou

    Hi! i had my medical and chest xray last week at St. Lukes and before we leave at the clinic the staff said that my xray is suspicious.
    Out of curiousity I went to hospital and asked for xray as I really wanted to know what does suspicious means. In short the findings is PTB in left upper lobe. I was given a medication with the Pulmonologist to treat it and I started today.

    I recieived an email from BUPA that i have to go back to the clinic where I had my previous medical after I took the medicine this morning.

    My question is, should I tell to the clinic that I have already started the treatment and should i bring my latest xray results from other hospital?

    thank you and waiting for your advice.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Yes of course you should tell them, Jhou. You must.

      • Jhou

        thank you

  4. shaun

    Hi Jeff, I had an ankle sprain and few days from now I will be having my medical check up. Already had an xray on my ankle from a hospital and there is no problem . Will it be a cause for me to be denied? Thank you

    • Jeff Harvie

      A sprained ankle? No.

  5. Loridelle

    Hi, we just lodged our partner visa online and it says thatni need to take medical examination. WE applied onshore, is it possible to take my medical exam innthe philippines since im coming back in november.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Yes it is

    • Pearl

      Hi, we submitted temporary partners visa online and is worried of xray because of scar in lung, its inactive as been taking medication before but partner did not mention it in visitor visa application before. What can we do? Please help.

      • Jeff Harvie

        Talk to the doctors at the clinic about it. I can’t give you medical advice.

  6. Rosie Harper-Pittam

    Hello! Only last week I had my own chest x-ray done here in Australia, bulk billed after having some pain in my back. No issues found. I have been requested to complete my medicals for the de facto visa which includes a chest x-ray which is an extra $100 on top! Is it possible that I just bring my own x-ray and they confirm its all good, and not book that part of the medical or will this not satisfy the visa folk??
    Appreciate your speedy reply, my deadline is tonight, eep!

    • Jeff Harvie

      You can bring them with you, but they will want to take their own xrays.

  7. Foly


    I was involved in an accident last week , and had an x-ray of my chest done. I have an appointment for my medical exam in 2 weeks. Do I need to take another x-ray when I go in for the medical exam? I am concerned about the frequent exposure to radiation.

    • Jeff Harvie

      You need to discuss that with your doctor. I can’t advise you.

  8. Cris

    Hi, I done my chest xray and tha clinic call me because I have a water on my lungs, it is possible that they deny my visa? The clinic wants me to retake chest xray. Pls help. Thank you

    • Jeff Harvie

      Go back to the clinic. I’m not a doctor. I can’t answer your questions sorry.

  9. Pravin Tamang

    I’ve tested my chest x-ray before 4 years ago and there were some scars on my lungs as they are not of tuberculosis but it’s over there so does those scars will effect my visa process ?

    • Jeff Harvie

      It will draw attention to you, yes. You will probably need further testing.


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