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Chris realises the value of using a Registered Migration Agent for his visa application. Welcome to the SECOND of a series of videos from Chris and Vanessa, clients of Down Under Visa who are starting on the journey to a partner visa from Philippines to Australia.

This is the second video in what is becoming a really informative and insightful “reality TV” series that will show step-by-step what visa applicants go through when preparing an Australian visa application.

In this episode, Chris talks about his reasons for using a Registered Migration Agent and not doing it himself.

If you haven’t already done so, please SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG so you will get updates as to when new episodes come out. This will be invaluable and we hope comforting to those Australian sponsors who are trying to bring their Filipina ladies, ie wives, fiancees or de facto partners, from Philippines to Australia to start a new life together. You will see that you’re not alone. There are plenty of others who are going through the same thing, and most importantly there is Down Under Visa there as Registered Migration Agents who will be with you every step of the way on your own migration journey.

Please enjoy!

What exactly is an Australian visa?
Tourist visas for couples? In most cases, no problem!


  1. len wells

    thank u for video information

  2. Mike Regan

    Really glad I watched this. I was beginning to have adverse thoughts there for a while, but this video clears up any doubts I might have had. DUV would not be doing their job properly if they were not asking for “more information”. Keep up the good work guys.


    • Jeff Harvie

      I wish we could get away without asking for more information, Mike. We’d have some spare time, which is something usually in short supply. No, we set a cracking standard with our eyes always on the end result. I hate refusals. Glad the video helped!


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