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This week is known here in the Philippines as “Holy Week”. The Philippines is a Catholic country. The figures range from 81% to 86% of the population, making it one of the most Catholic countries in the world.

And Easter is the most important time of the year to Catholics. Someone described it as being the Catholic version of “Grand Final time” to me once, and yes that’s not too far from the truth. It’s the time when the population celebrants the sacrifice of the Son of God for us and for our sins, and Christ’s conquest of death. Yes, Grand Final time indeed!


If you are in an Australian Filipina relationship, best to be aware of what it all means. It’s not a time of scoffing chockie eggs by hyperactive kids, or of rushing off to go fishing or getting drunk on the best long weekend of the year. Not at all, and in the Philippines do not expect it to be.

Dates of significance:

Palm Sunday (Christ entering Jerusalem)              20 March 2016

Maundy (Holy) Thursday (Christ’s Last Supper24 March 2016*

Good Friday (the Crucifixion)                                      25 March 2016*

Black Saturday (Christ has died)                                 26 March 2016

Easter Sunday (Christ has risen)                                27 March 2016

*Public Holidays in Philippines

Practical considerations during Holy Week

Firstly, all those involved with ladies from the Philippines, just because she doesn’t get around with a dress buttoned to the neck and with a sour look on her face doesn’t mean she has no religious convictions. There are very few killjoys here, however the faith and the culture are often inseparable. There’s a very good chance she hold her faith dearly, and therefore won’t take too kindly to making bad jokes. You may hurt her feelings without even realizing it.

Secondly, be aware that she and many others may well be very busy during this week. She may be attending Mass on 3 or 4 days during this time, and she may well intend visiting her family. If her family is in the province, then she like a large percentage of the population during Holy Week will be heading to the bus station and will be traveling back and forth.

Thirdly, if you are here during this time? Be aware that at times traffic will be horrendous! In some parts of town there may be processions and assorted crowds. Best advice is to try to limit your traveling and basically stay put as much as you can.

Fourthly, be aware that the 24th and 25th are public holidays! Down Under Visa will close the office on those days, so you will need to curb your expectations of updates and lodging of visa applications.

Happy Easter to all of you from Down Under Visa!

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  1. shiela ignacio

    Hello jeff can I ask about visa because my mom need to go austrilia this coming MAY for emergency to my sister and my brother law what is need to get fasta visa
    I consideration your reply to me thank you

    • Jeff Harvie

      Please complete our online assessment form on the website so we can see if we can help you, Shiela.


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