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Got asked this the other day, if one of our “representatives” could meet up with a client in Makati “for coffee”.

I know there are visa agents and travel agents who work this way, but Down Under Visa doesn’t. And I’ll explain why.


Firstly, we don’t employ “representatives”. No one represents us, and I wouldn’t have it. We have administrative staff who follow my directions and check documents, etc. And they will tell you about outstanding documents and other visa requirements already set out by me, but I would never send any of my staff out to meet with clients. And they are all under strict instructions from their scary ol’ boss (me) not to give any actual advice to clients.

I’ll tell you all a brief story of what happened to someone I know years ago, and this was back in the days of turning up at the old Australian Embassy in Makati before they moved to the new one. This was when there was a queue going around the block! They had used a visa agent in the Malate part of Manila who was recommended to them.

She arrived at the airport and was met by two “representatives”. They took her to Jollibee, and “prepared her” for the Embassy over a snack. She went to the Embassy with no documents or relationship evidence, was interviewed, and said that the man had “taken pity on her as a single mother”, and “understood her poor family”. Application refused!

Now, anyone who has dealt with Down Under Visa knows that there is NO WAY that an application would be lodged without any documents. Our clients know we’re like cranky ol’ school teachers when it comes to matters like that. You engaged us as Registered Migration Agents to manage your Australian visa application professionally, and you will get nothing less! We wouldn’t do this with a tourist visa, and we most certainly would not do this with a partner visa or prospective marriage visa where future happiness is dependent on a visa grant!

I know that there are visa people out there (I won’t call them Migration Agents, because they don’t have the training nor are they subject to a Code of Conduct or the scrutiny of the Migration Agents Registration Authority) who do hire young ladies as their representatives. They will come out and visit you at your hotel or have coffee with you. You can call in and talk to them anytime you like.

We don’t do that!

Why? Because we have ONE point where assessment of clients cases takes place, and where advice and guidance is given. And that one point is Jeff Harvie, Registered Migration Agent (MARN 0959797). It’s not Maribel-somebody who doesn’t want to talk to the Australian sponsor because she doesn’t understand his accent. It’s not even my wife Mila. She will clarify things with clients who struggle with the finer points of English, but she’s passing on my advice only. This is how we maintain standards.

I shudder to think how many refusals of partner visas those people I mentioned at the beginning would see regularly. Can’t speak for them, but my conscience won’t let me run a practice like that. We set and maintain the highest of standards. We are a Migration Consultancy Practice! We are not a one-stop visa shop! You won’t get a hotel visit, nor will you get a coffee meeting. Sorry, but I don’t have time because I’m here overseeing your visa applications and making sure you don’t need to wait too long to get questions answered. And I will never send out partially-trained secretaries in smart uniforms to give advice to Australian men they can’t even understand! Not happening!

Please complete our online assessment form on our website. It’s free, and it contains plenty of detail. And someone QUALIFIED TO ADVISE YOU will give you the guidance you need. You will always be in safe hands with Down Under Visa.

Basic Needs – Significance with Australian Filipina relationships
Brett and Riza - Two happy Down Under Visa clients


  1. Jamie

    Hi, understand your point but i also can see the question. I would love to meet with someone i was going to do business with over coffee. Not everything can be down via and website and email. Sometime you just need to personal touch.

    • Jeff Harvie

      In a more perfect world, maybe we could do that Jamie. I love a good coffee, and I generally thoroughly enjoy when we meet with clients because I’m a bit of a gas-bag. But realistically, there are so many people who want visas and need help. Any Agent who has time to hang around coffee shops instead of working hard, they can’t have much actual work to do. We have an office full of admin staff who check documents, etc, yet I would still put in 12 hour days and often I’m at it 7 days a week because I’m so in demand and I simply won’t delegate out the essential tasks that only a Registered Migration Agent can do properly (which was the point about “representatives”). I would be doubtful that any genuinely good Agent in Manila worth engaging with your precious visa application would have that sort of free time.

  2. Giovanni Fiorito

    Hi Sir Jeff, I had a similar experience with some visa agent in Adelaide , meeting for a coffee to discuss what’s required to apply for a visa ,
    he reply to me ease you pay me $4,000.00 and I will do rest . I asked him what about if visa is refused , he answered you lose your money.and replied to him forget and I left.
    I have contacted the immigration departement and they give registred migrant agent .that’s how I faund Downundervisa .
    I like to raccoment to any one, Sir Jeff at Downundervisa and the office employees,
    helped us for our visa application Connie Jimenez and me Giovanni fiorito, my regards
    to you Sir Jeff Harvey, have a great day.

    • Jeff Harvie

      I was just thinking that too, Giovanni. If I overcharged, then I could do less work for the same money and I could socialise all that I wanted. No, I’d rather remain accessible to all, and I like having satisfied clients like yourselves. Thanks for the positive comment!


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