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We lodge many hundreds of Aussie tourist visas every year for Australian Filipina couples, ie. 99%+ of our applications are for applicants from the Philippines going to Australia because they’re in romantic relationships with Australians. Mostly girlfriends and fiancees, but plenty of boyfriends and fiances too! This is our area. Not too many just taking holidays, and we avoid those who are obviously trying to play games with the system. We at Down Under Visa like our clean reputation!


We get a lot of enquiries, and we are known for being painfully honest. No BS from Jeff Harvie, ever. I said that in my last article, and maybe it should become my catchphrase! We could make considerably more money if I simply took on everybody who wanted us to help them, but I like a clear conscience and a squeaky-clean reputation. If we can’t help, I will tell you that we can’t help.

Why CAN’T we help?

Remember a previous BLOG article (HERE) where I explained about meeting the Regulations for the grant of a tourist visa? If we can see there is not enough to convince the Manila Embassy staff, then we don’t want to try. We like knowing that we’re working for something worthwhile. Applications that are certain to fail? We don’t want visa refusals. We don’t want to take money for nothing, and we don’t want you being disappointed in us. You ask for my honest opinion as an expert in my field, and I will give it to you.

Basically, if there is not enough substance to your relationship, then applying for a visa is a waste of time. To clarify that (as we can’t REALLY tell you whether you’ve met your soulmate or not), I mean if we don’t see enough history and paperwork to support your claim to be in a serious relationship, then most likely the Case Officer will draw the conclusion that you have not proved your case that your application is genuine, and if you can’t convince them then they have no choice but to refuse you. That’s their job, and that’s Australian Immigration Law.

How do we know this? Knowledge of the law. Knowledge of Departmental policy. And extensive experience. This is what we do. We know Australian visa applications, and we know Australian Filipina relationships. Can’t put that onto a website, nor can you learn it by hanging around a few amateur advice forums.

Typical “we can’t help” scenarios for Down Under Visa

Couples who have not met in person: If you haven’t met in person, it’s hard to show and prove a strong committed relationship. When there is a “spark” between the couple, normally the Australian sponsor (future) will get on a plane and come to spend some time with the Filipina lady of his dreams. Yes, most of us are busy. Not talking about necessarily spending months together. But signs of efforts-made are a lot more convincing that looking like you couldn’t be bothered.

Couples where the relationship is just too young: I don’t know what Love Potion No 9 is in the water at the moment, but I’m getting a LOT of enquiries from men who’ve known the lady for between 3 and 6 weeks! Some have met, and others haven’t. They might be really smitten with each other, and hey…..I think I knew Mila was the right one for me after her third letter (yes, paper and envelope and stamp!), and maybe some of these enthusiastic couples have really found “the one”.


The Embassy staff have a job to do, and it’s to protect Australia’s borders. Do they take a risk to give a visa to a couple who’ve known each other for a whole three weeks and hope she doesn’t abuse the system? Do they trust she isn’t playing at your heart strings to get herself a ticket to Australia? They generally do not, or they have to explain themselves to Canberra if the numbers of overstayers from Manila increased drastically. Heads may roll!

My advice to couples who lack sufficient very-obvious substance to their relationship is that they should wait until they have just that. If you haven’t met? Take a week or more off work and get on a plane. Plenty of cheap flights, and Philippines isn’t that far from Australia. And if your relationship is still very young, be patient and come back to see us in x-amount of months time and we will happy help you. I know it’s disappointing. I’m still a man in love, and I know what it’s like. We just don’t want to disappoint you, and you deserve to be giving a clear picture. That’s what a Registered Migration Agent is supposed to do. Hope we can help you soon!

Australia Day 2016
Australian Tourist visa for 12 months?


  1. Alan Keys

    Hi Jeff.
    Thanks for your prompt reply and honesty.I am coming back to Philippines on the 11-2-16 to spend a month with Emily and thought it would be best to make an appointment to meet with you if possible.
    Regards Alan

    • Jeff Harvie

      Always honest, Alan. I tell it bluntly whether people like it or not. Fortunately most people appreciate it!

      Let us know closer to the time? Cheers.


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