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I hope I didn’t panic too many people by talking about visa refusals in the last post. I try to remember that our clients are worried, and obviously more worried than we are. Why don’t we at Down Under Visa worry also? Because we know how good we are, to put it bluntly. We are very good at what we do, and refusals don’t happen very often at all.

It just occurred to me the other day (as I said in the last post) that often when a tourist visa application has been refused (again, rarely), we’ve just offered to redo the application free of our professional fees. We’ve done them for cost, ie. for the Government charges and lodgement fees. Nothing else. Why? Because we don’t like refusals. We find it frustrating and it hurts our pride. And in every occasion when we’ve done the application again, it’s been granted second time around. Clients are happy, and therefore so are we.

Then I thought what about partner visas? Should we extend this practice to those very unusual partner visas that are refused?

The answer is yes!

From now on, our promise to our clients is that IF your Australian partner visa or tourist visa is refused, we will do the application again for you with even more care and we will submit it and manage it free of professional fees. We won’t earn a cent, and we can’t be any fairer than that!

Of course this will be null and void if the applicant does something wrong which would have contributed to the refusal, ie. false and bogus documents, false statements, serious omissions of essential information, serious illnesses or criminal records causing refusal, and also bypassing us and hassling the Embassy directly or refusing to supply extra documents or information they request. All fairly reasonable, I’m sure most will agree. And if your application is especially high-risk (such as tourist visas for young family members), then we will tell you at the time.

But if you are like the vast majority of our applicants and are upfront with us in all that you do, and if your relationship is genuine, then we will stand by you and we will not let you down even if the unthinkable happens.

Our motto has always been “We never let a client down“! That applies now more than ever.

Processing times for Australian tourist visas
Visa refusals – Can they happen with Down Under Visa?


  1. Steve Summerell

    That should make any potential client much more confident with entrusting Down Under as their visa agent. My own experiance when applying for a visitor visa and being rejected twice convinced me that professional services avoided wasting money and time. Definately I would not represent myself in a court of law or even with my taxes… so why risk visa matters?

    • Jeff Harvie

      No arguments from me, Steve. Agree completely.


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