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Dear clients,

At the moment we have two major sources of delays:

1. Tourist visas

2. Partner visas, where the applicant has been asked to leave Australia so that they can finalise the application

Right now I get 5 or 6 emails a day with people telling me that they are taking too long, and looking to us to rectify this situation. Some are polite. Some are angry. Some blame us, and some don’t. Some are very emotional.

Please understand we are NOT unsympathetic. Not at all. Delays are awful. I’m not a particularly patient person myself, yet I have to tell people every day again and again to please be patient. You email me for help, and I send you a reply which I know is disappointing. I wish sincerely that I didn’t have to do that, but I do.

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The reality is just as I explained. A large pile of applications and a limited number of staff, and things take longer. We probably have 50 or more applications in the system (late tourist visas and late partner visas where the applicant has had to return) taking longer than usual, thus the 5 or 6 emails per day I get. My sending 5 or 6 chase-up emails every day to the Embassy, this is not going to make anything happen. I don’t have special contacts there who will push things through because I ask. I have no authority there. All that 5 or 6 nagging emails a day to the Embassy will do is to add to their workload and make the whole thing take longer.

We are not lazy or uncaring here at Down Under Visa. Not at all. We go above and beyond the call of duty all the time. But sometimes we simply know from experience that sending emails or making phone calls will not achieve anything, and in some cases may just make Down Under Visa AND our clients very unpopular. We’ve learned a lot from experience, believe me!

To those who are waiting, I wish I could fix this for you. But I can’t. I can only ask you to remain patient. It’s not because they lost your application, and it’s not because there is something wrong with your application. You are just caught in a backlog, which will hopefully clear sometime soon.

After The Visa Part Four – Food and Language Adjustments
After The Visa Part Three – Practical Issues


  1. Steve S

    Thankyou for your efforts in dealing with the bureaucracy that invades our rights as tax paying Australians to marry a foreigner.
    Government say they want trade partners with Asia but deny immigration visas due to lack of material wealth or support… hypocrites!

    • Wayne

      They are nothing but parasites they don’t take long to grab our hard earned money in bull dust visa processing fees I mean 4995k is a ridicules rip off and they want to take forever to make a decision? Pathetic bludgers the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Backlog my butt!!

  2. Mark Saiat

    I agree! What does it mean to be an Australian when ones basic human rights are ignored and overlooked in favour of political power. It’s time for my local member of parliament to step in and earn their worth. That’s what we pay taxes for.


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