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We’ve just had a series on things to do to make life easier after the Australian partner visa is granted. We thought that maybe we should do one on what to do to make life easier before the visa is granted too? So here it is. Part One of things you can do while preparing for the partner visa for your lady from the Philippines!


Stress control

Partner Visa applications are scary things for those who are waiting on the visa. For us at Down Under Visa? We’re almost never worried, because we have the privilege of having seen so many visa grants go through and so few refusals. Also, to be honest, it’s not OUR lives and futures hanging in the balance. There’s so much at stake, when you have your whole future planned out with that wonderful person. So yes, we DO understand and empathise with your concerns.

The main comfort we can offer is that (a) we know what we’re doing, and (b) if the application isn’t sound then we simply won’t submit it. We’ve had cases of people (ie. the ones who know everything!) trying to force us to lodge an application that we weren’t comfortable and confident in, and we’ve “pulled the pin” and ceased to deal with them. We are bound by our Code of Conduct for Registered Migration Agents to only manage cases and to submit visa applications that we believe will succeed, and we take that very seriously. Please take some comfort in our experience and our integrity a migration agents.

For yourselves?

Watch the stress and watch what it can do!

If it’s getting to you, go and take some deep breaths before you send an email or a cranky message to each other (OR to Down Under Visa!) which you will regret later. Words can hurt, and everyone involved can’t function at their best with self-esteem shattered. Don’t use human beings as outlets for your frustration. Don’t look for someone to blame. You’re stressed because you’re worried. That’s all.

Avoiding poor advice about visa applications

I’ve said this one before, and I’ll say it again. Avoid poor advice from those who really don’t know what they’re talking about and should keep their mouths shut.

Avoid those awful internet immigration “advice forums”. The internet is set up where anyone can become an instant expert without any backup. Someone with time on their hands can join “Aussie Visa Advice” or something, and can start spouting advice about something they know next to nothing about.  They may have been successful with their own visa application, or more likely they’re still preparing it. Suddenly they’re an expert, and due to anonymity there is no comeback on them if things go wrong. We on the other hand? We work in the real world, where there are repercussions to bad advice. Plus, we’ve done a little more than one single application over the years! If you want to know something? Ask us! Don’t follow the advice of a bunch of nobodies on ego trips, who may even by guessing or lying.

And avoid the advice of the friends and relatives! This is particularly an issue here in the Philippines. Filipinos are accustomed to following the advice of relatives, and relatives appear to be obligated to give advice even when they don’t know enough to do so. Australian sponsors need to be aware of this tendency, and need to help us to help you. We can’t do anything if we give advice and directions and that the visa applicant won’t follow. And hey, you paid us for our guidance and our expertise. If the applicant won’t follow it, then we’re all wasting our time.

Read everything

We give clear and definitive information every step of the way, right from the initial email and documents we send you down to the Client Declarations and the Migration Hub with all its links to supporting information and instructions. Everything you could possibly need, it’s all there. And we keep it as simple and to-the-point as we possibly can. You must take the time to read it all, and to watch and listen to video links that we send you. Those who do read everything? They are the ones who have the smoothest ride through the process, because they make less mistakes.

Before the partner visa is granted – Part Two
After The Visa Part Four – Food and Language Adjustments


  1. mario martins

    yes i agree with what you say ….

  2. Geoffrey green

    Yes I read the message


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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