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Surely you can’t be serious?

I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.


Remember that movie? They called it “Airplane!” in America, and “Flying High” in Australia. And I constantly think of that line whenever anyone says “Surely they…….??

And we get to hear it a lot!

  • “Surely this is enough evidence?”
  • “Surely they can see we have a relationship because we’re already married?”
  • “Surely they can see we have a relationship because have a child?”
  • “Surely the communication records I sent is enough?”
  • “Surely they can see that she will come back at the end of the stay?”
  • “Surely they can’t expect me to remember …………. ?”
  • “Surely now you can nag the case officer?”
  • “Surely she can get a visa when she hasn’t seen her husband for 7 years?”
  • “Surely they don’t need further proof of ……………. ?”
  • “Surely they can see …………… ?”

And these “surely” questions often have something tagged on about how if she got on a boat, they would let her in immediately (which is great if you want to go to Papua New Guinea instead).

The Facts

Most of you are honest people. Most of you have genuine relationships with the best of possible intentions.

But you are delving into a world frequented by liars, manipulators and pathologically sneaky people. There are plenty who would give their back teeth to get into Australia, and they DO lie. They DO hide things. They hide marriages. They hide children. They hide criminal records. They hide the fact they have serious ulterior motives to getting into Australia. To you sponsors? Some of them are hiding these things from you too! And they definitely hide things from us, despite our warnings.
And because of these people, they need to scrutinise the lot!

The Big “Surely”

Here’s one more “surely” for you to all consider.
Down Under Visa specialise in partner visas, prospective marriage visas and tourist visas for Australian Filipina couples from Philippines to Australia. They lodge hundreds of applications per year. And they always act in our best interests, even though this makes extra work for them.
Surely if they tell us to do something, there must be a good reason?
There always is. We put pressure on you, and we know that. We could take the path of least resistance, but we don’t. We really want your visas to be granted. Refusals are extremely rare for us, and we want to keep it that way. We know what the Embassy want to see, and we know what they won’t accept too. So surely there is definitely a good reason for whatever we ask of you.
And don’t call me Shirley!

Bringing her straight back after the wedding. Possible?
Jeff and Mila Harvie – Some background

Questions: Please search our BLOG menu or Visa Knowledge Base

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