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I’ve posted on this topic before, where I’ve advised passionate couples to try to delay the baby-making until you are both well and truly settled. Passions seem to be winning on this one, and I guess that’s nature’s way. Aussie men are also the finest and most desirable men in the world, as we all know! And Filipinas are the loveliest ladies in the world too. So what else is going to happen??

So your Filipina lady is pregnant? Let Down Under Visa give you romantic couples a few practical things to think about if you want to have your baby in Australia:

Medicare coverage or private medical insurance coverage

If you have already applied for a partner visa, you can apply for Medicare. If you have NOT applied for a partner visa, ie. if she is in Australia on a tourist visa or if you have a Prospective Marriage Visa, you may not.

And private health insurance will never cover pre-existing conditions.

No coverage means it will cost you around AUD$15,000.00 to have a baby in Australia. Check with your doctor to get a more accurate figure, but you’ll find it won’t be too much less.

If mum is on a tourist visa

If mum-to-be is on a Subclass 309 Partner Visa, then you have no problems. If she’s on a Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa, you will just have the cost issue. Tourist visas are the main problem.

Subclass 600 Tourist visas are temporary visas. They have an expiry date. Overstay, and she faces possible detention and/or deportation. Yes, if you are on the ball you can manage to avoid these things happening, but an expectant mum doesn’t need this sort of pressure on her at this time. The clock is ticking constantly, and each day the visa expiry date draws nearer.

Invariably mum will become medically unfit to fly. Each airline has their own rules, and they will want a medical certificate stating that she may fly. If she may not fly, this certificate may be used to either support an application for another tourist visa, or to help you apply for a waiver of the Condition 8503 No Further Stay (which may be imposed on the tourist visa). Again, more pressure and more stress that neither of you need at that time.

Anyway, she gives birth. You pay up big. You’ve already sorted out 8503 waivers and/or further tourist visa applications. You have your baby there, and mum and baby get stronger. You then have another expiry date coming up where mum is going to need to leave the country. What else is there to worry about?

Baby needs a passport!

Baby in most cases will travel back to the Philippines with mum. This is either to wait for the granting of the partner visa or prospective marriage visa that you fortunately managed to lodge before you left, or back to start the permanent visa process right from the beginning if you weren’t so well-organised.

That means you need to organise baby’s birth certificate and someone in an important position to state that baby is who you say baby is, and you can then apply for the passport. You will then wait for the passport and hope that it arrives before mum’s visa expires. If you can’t organise it in time, then mum will go back and leave baby there with you (which can be really good fun).

If baby goes to Philippines on new Aussie passport, then baby can stay for 30 days. If it will take longer, mum needs to battle the crowds at the Bureau of Immigration in Intramuros (Manila) to organise Philippines Citizenship for baby to avoid overstaying problems.

She may then need to spend all day at the CFO getting lectured about what to do if her Aussie husband beats her up. If she has the baby with her, that won’t be much fun either.

In many ways it’s a whole lot easier to give birth in the Philippines, and to add baby onto the existing partner visa application. This will either mean that you will need to be in Philippines when she gives birth and then to have to go back and leave both of them, or you will need to have your lady give birth in Philippines while you are back in Australia.

But it should cost you a whole lot less than $15,000.00 to pay the doctors in the Philippines, even in a really good hospital. And she will have relatives around to help her. No one has babies in the Philippines without plenty of family support, which is something you need to remember and be aware of.

Plus, when she craves weird things like green mango with bagoong, it will be much easier to find these things in Manila than in Melbourne!

Of course you could always try to delay parenthood until you’re both stable. Just saying…….

Partner Visa Flowchart
CFO Seminar Information


  1. Michael English

    The comments bring to mind my visit to immigration at Intramuros to extend a 30 day tourist visa. The endless lines, the byzantine procedures, the “express” payment. The necessity of getting photocopies. Not to forget getting to Intramuros in the first place. sigh. Mind you Intramuros is not a bad place to visit as it does have a lot of history to it.

    Another point to bear in mind that one cannot get a low income card which is great for free medical expenses in Australia from centrelink (now human services) unless the wife is a permanent resident. The provisional partner visa just doesn’t work on them. However the provisional partner visa is good for a temporary medicare card which is great. However dentists are not supported on it. My wife had severe dental issues thanks to the local (free) Filipino tooth puller who left her with broken teeth at the gumline. Mind you the pain must have been excruciating but did she complain? Not at all. Yes they are tough women.

    Most of the guys I know with a Filipina wife don’t have a very flash income and need every help possible. That permanent visa is also good for centrelink benefits and for study purposes as well. Work at the moment is rather hard to come by in spite of what the government says so one also must prepare for a long support time for the wife and that can take a heavy toll on any relationship. Yes a Filipina wife is a very serious long term commitment on part of the guy. And for the Filipina too as she is now cut off from the usual support. And that point is seriously underestimated by most guys especially Australians myself included.

    As to having a baby, don’t until one is settled in Australia on a permanent visa as that saves heaps of hassles. But then again anything can happen. And I do recall somewhere on the Australian immigration site that a pregnancy is not considered a sufficient reason for a bridging visa unless it turns into an emergency situation for the mother.

  2. jaye rix

    we are engaged. my fiance is 24weeks now. we plan to have our baby in the philippines.

    what do i need to do to prepare for birth registration and for me being the foreigner as the father.

    many things i dont know regarding this..

    let me know please.

    thank you



    • Jeff Harvie

      Are you after a visa, Jay? If so, suggest you go to the free visa assessment form on the website.


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