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It’s been a while since Down Under Visa did a BLOG post on Partner Visas (aka Spouse Visas, Spousal Visas, and Marriage Visas). It’s probably time we got back to basics, as many of our readers may be new.


To apply for a Partner visa you must either be married to, or in a de facto relationship with an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident, or Eligible New Zealand Citizen.

Once you have been granted a temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 309), you can work and study in Australia. You can also apply for Medicare. However, you cannot get Austudy until you have been granted the permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 100).

Applying for Partner Visas is a two-stage process. You apply for a temporary and permanent visa at the same time, ie. one application and only one application charge.

If the visa is granted, you get a temporary Partner Visa. This visa remains until a decision is made on your permanent Partner Visa application. This happens about two years after you first applied for the Partner visa. If the Department are satisfied of your continuing and genuine relationship, you’ll be granted a permanent Partner Visa and will be a permanent resident.

Now, why would you apply for a Partner Visa and not a Prospective Marriage Visa?

You would do this if you want to marry in Philippines, then this is the way to go. Just be aware that you cannot fly in, marry, and fly out again. You need three to four weeks spare, which obviously not everyone can do. Please read THIS for more information on this, so you can make an informed choice.

If you plan to marry in Philippines we can apply for an Australian Partner Visa for you, and we may apply before the marriage takes place if you like. This will save you some waiting time at the end.

Just remember that:

  • The applicant must be inside Philippines (ie. outside of Australia) when we lodge the partner visa application, and;
  • Outside of Australia when the partner visa is granted.

And if you are in a genuine de facto relationship, then we can also apply for a Subclass 309 Partner Visa for you. Contact us and have your relationship assessed by a Registered Migration Agent.

Please go to the website, which is  and fill in the FREE Visa Assessment Form.

Typhoon hitting manila
Visas for relatives in the Philippines

Questions: Please search our BLOG menu or Visa Knowledge Base

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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.

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