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I remember when I first met my husband in Manila many years ago. I had the good example of my mother in being “kuripot”. I always wanted to save money where I could, and even today I always look for bargains. When we were first together, I wanted to find cheap hotels and cheap places to eat, and I did this to save his money. All good Filipinas want to do this. 

But you need to remember that with your visa to Australia there are no true bargains. It’s like getting medicine when you are very sick. If you try to save money, maybe you won’t recover. And for the visa you need for your future life together, this is no time to try to save your husband’s money! There are too many unqualified people out there who will get you into real trouble. Yes they are cheaper, but this is no bargain.

We just have a client this morning who called our office. Her travel agent said the Embassy had sent back the documents because they wanted more information. The Embassy never do this, so it means they are lying to her. The problem is she does not know if they even submitted the application at all. The probably didn’t! So now she doesn’t know even if she has an application or not.

In trying to save money instead you wasted money.

And nowadays the Embassy are very tough with false documents and false statements. We have had clients in the past who made visa applications full of lies. They would say the client had children when she did not, or they would pretend she had a job when she was unemployed. If they put this on a visa application today and they catch them, they will have a 3 year ban. No visa applications for 3 years.

And again you just wasted money.

So always choose a Registered Migration Agent. And choose one who does mainly partner visas as they will have more experience in this area so they are better at helping you.

Mila Harvie is the wife and very active business partner of Jeff Harvie, Registered Migration Agent. Together with their son Jeremy Harvie and some dedicated staff they run Down Under Visa, that well-known and very busy Migration Agency in Manila, Philippines. She takes care of the needs of our Filipino clients, especially the Filipina ladies who find it much easier having another Filipina to talk to and to discuss their issues and problems.

Not all bargains are good bargains! (Tagalog)
Some differences in how we write things (Tagalog)

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