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No doubt most of you long time readers of our BLOG have noticed that I’m not always the most consistent of article-writers. I get bursts of creativity, and at other times I don’t write anything for weeks.

Reasons? Main reason is being busy with general day to day work. Second reason is that sometimes I simply can’t think of what people would like to know about. It’s usually client-problems or client-confusion about something which inspires me to try to clear the air.

Instead of giving myself headaches trying to think of something, can I ask for topics, questions, problems and areas of confusion that you would like elaborated on? Partner visas, tourist visas and family visas only, thanks. You can just make comments here (down below under this article), and I’ll follow it up. Thanks in advance!

Choosing a good migration agent ....... and then listening to them!
That long long wait for an Australian Partner Visa!


  1. Ian

    Perhaps an “in your words” summary of the different visa types e.g. subclass… (partner, tourist and family options only) and what each one is for etc. The most important part is the “in your words” vs what is already out there. With examples e.g. application for fiancee vs spouse vs defacto visa, use of a tourist visa in process, dependent children (inc. how is and isn’t dependent)….

  2. Callan

    Hi Jeff
    I love to read your blogs. They are very informative and I encourage my partner to read them as well. One problem I have found in regards to some decision making ,is my partner gives more credit to her friends and family,then what your advice is. I’m sure it is not just me this happens to. And I also have read ,where you have said ,for them not rely on this. I think maybe you guys could address this ,maybe by a blog that they can understand fully.

    Secondly. This is a hard one. For both sides. You feel totally helpless and unable to get any information of your status when you are in waiting for a visa, wether it be tourist , prospective marriage or spouse visa. It would be nice to have some sort of information sent to you once a fortnight or a month. Even though it may have very little meaning to you ,but for the sponsor and applicate ,it may give them a little reinsurance that someone out there is still beside you. Maybe you have done this in the past. I don’t know. And maybe I’m totally out of line asking this.
    Incidentally the service and the position we are in now is great and is totally as a result of your hard work for us.
    Thank you,

    • downundervisa

      Hello Callan

      Yes, very good points, especially around listing to the silly friends!

      Re. sending updates? Yes, we have thought about this. But it would mean sending emails out to maybe 150 to 200 couples every 2 – 4 weeks. And they WOULD be hollow and empty emails. “Dear Callan. We have nothing to tell you. Keep wondering!”

      We would have to employ another staff member just to do this, and they would sit there all day sending out emails, and responding with “Yes, I know. Yes, I know.”. As I said, I’m a straight-shooter. I let everyone know at the beginning that this will be a time of no information, and there’s nothing we can do to change this. I wish we could, but that’s just the way it is.

  3. Roger Deves

    Hi Jeff,

    Firstly let me say you do a brilliant job.

    May I suggest that a brief blog in Tagalog now & then might help with keeping the Phils partners involved. I think many are simply intimidated by English & apply the head in the sand approach.

    In reply to Callan, mate its just a case of keeping the faith. It helps me to know I am not the only one waiting & who feels completely helpless. I feel like tearing out my remaining hair especially when I see the sheer waste of our money by a Govt who we actually pay to waste it!

    Jeff I wonder if there is a way of lobbying the Govt as a group to try to get at least a bit more response/information on the progress of our applications. I think we don’t do this for fear of retribution. Is it an issue that’s raised with other Migration Agents?.


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.

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