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I’ve had some wonderfully positive comments lately on the BLOG from happy clients who are aware of how much we do for them. It’s great to get positive feedback, and we truly appreciate it.

I think most people these days come to us after doing a great deal of research into what’s out there. They read our Down Under Visa website, and our BLOG website, and the FilipinaWives website. They watch out YouTube Information Series videos, and they watch our Testimonial videos, and at the end of it they can see we’re a serious and dedicated operation and we know what we’re doing.

I had a client who had gone to another “agent” in Manila (who shall of course remain nameless), and they couldn’t tell them anything useful. In fact they told him to go to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website and look it up himself! This was one of those “agents” where the boss was sitting back in Australia letting his low-pay office girls do all the work.

So do your research! Where is the agent? Do they live and work here fulltime, or do that just pop over a few times a year to collect the profits?

The other issue is that when you’ve chosen your agent, you MUST let your agent do the work! You’ve paid for advice. Make sure you TAKE that advice! We have considerable expertise, and we work for YOU!

I just had this comment this morning:

“One problem I have found in regards to some decision making ,is my partner gives more credit to her friends and family than what your advice is. I’m sure it is not just me this happens to. And I also have read ,where you have said ,for them not rely on this. I think maybe you guys could address this, maybe by a blog that they can understand fully.”

All I can say really is that you need to assert yourself! In most cases it’s you the Australian sponsor who’s paying for this. I’m sure you don’t need to be told that you should follow the qualified and reputable expert on Australian visas that you’re paying, and not somebody who’s merely guessing. Don’t stand by and watch the application get damaged because of what the neighbour said! Take charge, or bear the consequences.

And I hope you’ve all stopped searching the online amateur blind-leading-the-blind internet advice forums! We stay away from them, because the advice is often horrendously wrong and in many cases likely to get you into trouble. Amateurs giving advice about migration matters are actually breaking the law! Only Registered Migration Agents may give migration advice in Australia. The dodgy travel agents and similar opportunists overseas get away with it because Australian Law doesn’t stretch over the ocean.

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  1. Roger Deves

    Yep I couldn’t agree more & beware of the bloke in the airport queue awaiting checkin who knows all but travels alone! I seem to meet them every time I travel.

  2. Matt Howard

    In the 2 years (just about) that I have known Jeff and Mila and Jeremy – they have never failed to provide accurate, timely and useful advice on matters related to the Visa process.

    The Australian Visa application fees are stupidly high – so it makes sense to get the best advice to make your chance of success the highest so you don’t blow the money, let alone get barred from being involved in any future applications for 10 years due to dodgy documents or information.

    Do yourself and your future spouse a favour – use Down Under Visa – they are a great team, live in the Phillipines, have lots of experience, understand the culture and the process to get all those pesky documents that are needed – the Down Under Visa costs are an investment NOT an expense to be reduced to the smallest value by shopping around for a cheaper agent.

    If you choose not to use them at least use a MARA accredited agent.


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.

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