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I had a client yesterday ask about a progress report on their visa application. They had seen something on the about tracking their online application, and how this could be done with a TRN (Transaction Reference Number).

Easy mistake to make, but neither Australian partner visas or tourist visas* are applied-for online, and they do not have TRN’s. 

(*Note that tourist visas are applied-for online from SOME countries, but not Philippines)

No doubt it would be wonderful if you had a number and could log in and see:

–          Birth certificate………..CHECK

–          Boarding passes and travel itineraries………….CHECK

–          Form 888’s…………CHECK

3 weeks to go!

We would be delighted too. Our clients would be happier, and we wouldn’t have to give disappointing answers like we do now. When you ask us at Down Under Visa for news and we have to explain time and time again that we can’t give you any, we take no pleasure in that. We DO understand. We’ve been there ourselves, and we know how much you miss each other. Especially now that Christmas is coming up, of course you’ve all had that target in mind and have been hoping that the visa application would be granted by now.

We can’t give you progress reports or updates, and we can’t chase up your applications or make them go faster.

We truly and honestly wish we could, but it doesn’t work like that. Just keep being patient. The Australian Embassy always get to them eventually, and whilst we can’t give promises please rest assured that if we saw a problem with your application we wouldn’t have lodged it in the first place. They ARE still granting visas this month, and they will grant visas in December too. And when yours is ready, we have no reason to believe they won’t also grant it.

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  1. Mark Saiat

    …its to be understood that the system is very limited and we have to rely on age old processes and procedures (by no fault of Down under Visa). In this day and age, there should be a transparent and more easily accessible system in place given the fact that the technology is well and truly already in existence to accommodate a service such as that.

    I’m speaking only for myself when I say; thank goodness I’m of age to know what it means to have patience….he he

    Thanks all at Downunder Visa for the update…. this blog is an excellent tool…!

  2. Agnes

    patience is a virtue…you’ll get there. 😉 Jeff and Mila will communicate immediately if the embassy has updates. trust me, been there, done that…make yourself busy while waiting…like preparing yourself by studying Australian culture, and if you don’t have the skills in driving yet, get driving lessons while waiting for your visa. the embassy can tract your ip address if you log in to their website too often, in case you haven’t read that yet in their site and that can drag your application, too.

    • Brenda

      Hi Jeff,

      I lodged my VISA SUBCLASS 300 LAST APRIL 12 at VFS and get a notiifcation that my application was received in the AUSTRALIAN EMBASSy by 17th of APRIL however after that i havent received any feedback anymore. Please advise.

      • Jeff Harvie

        Sounds very normal to me, Brenda. They only contact you if they need to. They won’t advise you of progress.

  3. Jack

    Hi Jeff,

    Education agent lodged my nephew visa offshore.
    I just wondering if I can import their application into my IMMI account despite they have their own IMMI account when they lodged the application

    • Jeff Harvie

      Please contact the Department about that. We don’t give out advice about doing your own visa applications, as you are not our client.


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