We had been told about Australian visa application charges going up on 1 September 2013, and Down Under Visa warned everybody about this as soon as it was announced.
And we had been told that all would be going up EXCEPT tourist visas.
Well, guess what? It seems that tourist visa fees also went up 1 September 2013.
Fortunately they haven’t gone through the ceiling, as they were not among the more costly of visas to start with. However we will have to pass this on. Anybody who has already paid, we will wear the increase as we’ve done so with the last couple of increases. However any new clients from now on it will be a different matter.
Hopefully DIAC will be kind over the next year. Fingers crossed!
why is it not surprising that DIAC has put them up? and why would we expect them to be kind? Have they ever been in the past?
At least Down Under Visa are kind. 🙂