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Most of our enquiries come from Australian men. Most of them have just returned from being with their lady…..often for their first face-to-face meeting….and have returned home to Australia and are missing her like crazy. I remember the feeling. It starts at the airport after you’ve said your tearful farewell, and you sit there in the terminal feeling very alone.

They arrive home and the house feels more empty than it did before, so they get onto the net and start looking for how they’re going to bring that special lady to Australia so they won’t be apart anymore. That’s how they find Down Under Visa, because we are the specialists in getting Australian Partner Visas for Filipina and Filipino applicants. Spouse visas (aka partner visas) for those who are married or intend marrying soon in the Philippines, and prospective marriage visas (fiancee visas) for those who plan on marrying in Australia.

However it’s not always the gents who do the searching. The ladies feel the same sense of loss, and many of them are the ones who do the searching and they track us down. This happens in maybe 10-15% of the time. Contrary to the myths and cliches about docile little Asian women, Filipina ladies are tough, determined and capable. Don’t let that lovely sweet exterior fool you! These ladies are more resilient than they look! And it’s these enthusiastic little ladies who contact us wanting to know costs and visa requirements so they can soon be reunited with the Australian men in their lives.

And it’s for these women that we established our new website DOWN UNDER VISA PHILIPPINES.

We also understand only too well that loyal and caring want to ensure their future and wish to avoid their Australian husbands and Australian fiancés won’t be ripped off and caught by one of the many scammers who prey on the unsuspecting. And this is all OK with us. We expect nothing less. So please understand:

  • Listen to the advice of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) who say that if you use an agent you should always use a Registered Migration Agent who has a Migration Agents Registration Number (MARN) from the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). We ask you to you to look up Jeff Harvie on the MARA website to see our registration details HERE.
  • We DO actually live in the Philippines and are here to help you. Our office is not a “front”, and our business is registered with the SEC, BIR and the City. Jeff and Mila Harvie live and work in Manila, and our son Jeremy Harvie is our office manager. We don’t just occasionally fly in to collect the profits before flying back to Australia. So it’s a friendly family-run business, and not a cold corporation.
  • Every visa application is handled personally by Jeff Harvie, a Registered Migration Agent. We have staff who help with administration, but that’s it. They don’t advise on matters of Migration Law, and they don’t prepare applications, and they don’t even touch the application forms.
  • We don’t do student visas, or work visas, and we don’t do visas to other countries. We do PARTNER VISAS, associated TOURIST VISAS and FAMILY VISAS, and we work here in the Philippines preparing visa applications for Filipinos. We are specialists in managing visa applications just like yours.
  • And again remember we are qualified and we are Registered to practice my the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) in Australia, which is operated by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). They do NOT tolerate SCAMMERS. Remember to look us up.  The travel agent in the mall is not Registered! Your friend or your relative is not Registered!

So please visit the new site. Please visit the new FACEBOOK PAGE and click on the LIKE button.

And please go to the FREE Visa Assessment Form and see if we can help you to make you dreams come true!

Australian Visa Application Charges increase again 1 September 2013
Include your child in your Australian Partner Visa? Or get a Child Visa later?


  1. ray davidson

    Hi jeff,i have married a filipino lady in february 2014.she has been to australia twice before now,in 2011 by her maiden name and this year since we have been married on a tourist visa both times…i have heard conflicting stories about visa prices and so on i have tried a few different sites… wifes siater is doing research into a visa now.she tells me it is going to cost 6 thousand for the visa alone .i looked up on a official immigration site early on in the year and for a partner visa it said the cost was between 1700 and 1800 dollars and could take between 14 months and 2 years to process…could you please forward some info about pricing and cost of all legalities to get my living in australia…..regards ray

    • Jeff Harvie

      The Government fee alone is $6,865.00 these days, Day. Suggest that you complete our free visa assessment form on the website and we can tell you all you need to know.


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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