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Australian visa applications are serious business! At Down Under Visa we’re not just filling out routine paperwork. Your future and the future of your nearest and dearest hangs in the balance, and we know this very well. We may very well manage hundreds and hundreds of visa applications, but each one is like our baby. It matters! So we don’t treat mistakes lightly!

More often than not, mistakes happen through misunderstandings. You ask a question, and I answer. Hopefully you get it, but maybe you don’t quite. Over the phone it’s even worse. This is the reason why we insist on issues concerning your case be in writing, ie. by email! We receive the question, and we have time to consider it. And you have time to digest the answer. And we all have records we can check back on.

So don’t get offended when we ask you to email us! We are trying to avoid stuff-ups that could cost you dearly!

Which brings me onto another important issue. FRAUD! BOGUS DOCUMENTS!

Public Interest Criteria 4020 (aka PIC 4020) has been introduced to all family-stream visas on 1 July 2013. It means that a visa application will be refused if:

• False and fraudulent information and/or bogus documents are submitted as part of the current application, or any visas held in the previous 12 months.

• A visa application submitted 3 years (or less) ago was refused due to false information or bogus documents.

The will refuse an application if you supply any false information and documents! And if you are refused, it will sit on your record for 3 years!

So don’t do it! And for goodness sakes TALK to us, ie. EMAIL us! If you’re not sure about something, ask! You won’t get penalised by asking us. We’re on your side. Don’t try to slip it through. They’ve seen it all before. And they now have clear directions to refuse visa applications based on false documents or false information. We want to see your Australian visa application granted.

Please visit our sites at Down Under Visa Australia or Down Under Visa Philippines.

And if you read this from Facebook, please feel free to LIKE the post or preferably LIKE the page! And SHARE it with those who may be interested.

Include your child in your Australian Partner Visa? Or get a Child Visa later?
De Facto Visas - For male/female couples and same-sex couples


  1. alfonso lopez

    My sister applied for a tourist visa and unfortunately it was denied. I would like to know how fast she can re apply, as we already have the visit planned for middle september

    • Jeff Harvie

      Hello Alfonso. You can re-apply anytime you like, but you need to ensure the application is very different to the last one or it will only be refused again. And the middle of September is not very far away now.

  2. Marinet Gutual

    What if I cannot get a Leave of Absence letter from my work as it considered a resignation, can I still get the visa ? Thanks.

    • Jeff Harvie

      Highly unlikely

  3. Catherine

    Hi can I asked advice sir my spouse visa was refuse my agent said that I will appeal tribunal there is possibility sir that my visa approved

    • Jeff Harvie

      It’s a possibility, yes. But I don’t know the details so of course I can’t comment.


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PLEASE NOTE: You may comment on posts, and you may ask general questions about the visa topic. However requests for “how-to?” information on how to lodge visas or how to deal with specific problems will not be answered. Please engage the services of a professional Registered Migration Agent for actual assistance or advice. Thank you.

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Questions about visa types we don’t handle, or about countries we don’t apply for visas from, will not be answered, Philippines to Australia visas for couples and families only.

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