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Down Under Visa have recently created an additional page on the website where our successful Australian visa clients have written testimonials for us. And some clients have made VIDEO testimonials for us!

It occurred to me recently that we are fortunate in that out of the countless numbers of couples we’ve managed successful visa applications for that a significant handful of these have been happy to write to us and thank us. They’ve taken the time to put their feelings into words, and are happy for us to share their experiences and words of encouragement with those who have yet to take the plunge. And others have been brave enough to put the faces and voices onto videos to do the same thing. We expect a new one in a few weeks from a couple who got their visa more than three years ago, yet to this day they still thank us for helping them through a significant period of their lives.

We are fortunate, and we are grateful to those happy couples who have been willing to do this. Thank you to all!

What I also find impressive and satisfying is that NONE of these videos are scripted or prompted. I am NOT sitting there firing leading questions at railroaded clients to get them to say what I want them to say. Look at the videos! These are not actors. They are just ordinary people like you and me. One video (Alex and Melinda) was videod at the end of a celebratory evening at the Slouch Hat in Ermita where they wined (Tanduay Rum, I seem to remember) and dined us. Their case was challenging, and they knew they would never have got their visa without us managing it. You can hear the relief in their voices! You don’t get that from dodgy promotional videos!

Please have a look at our HAPPY COUPLES page, and enjoy. Hopefully one day we’ll have your testimonial up there too!

New Government Visa Application Charges - 1 July 2013
Australian Partner Visas for Overseas Filipino Workers

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