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Down Under Visa just had an onshore (applicant in Australia) partner visa (Subclass 820) granted for a young couple in a de facto relationship. It only took 28 days.

There is no question that we were fortunate that a Case Officer picked it up early. It could have been sitting in a pile for 6 months or more. However, they decided it quickly because it was “Decision-Ready”. That means that everything was complete, and the Case Officer was able to make a decision immediately. Nothing to check. Nothing to clarify. No extra information or documents requested.

The size of the pile, we have no control over. But we DO have a level of control over what is submitted in the application, but only if the client cooperates with us and follows our instructions and directions. We can be tough and we can be blunt. Sometimes clients get annoyed at being asked for more documents, or when we reject something they’ve sent to us. But we do this only because we want your application to go through the system quickly.

For our existing clients, please take note of this and understand why we will be tough on you and why we can be pedantic about what you send us.

For anyone who needs help in getting a partner visa (spouse visa, fiancee visa, prospective marriage visa, de facto visa), please go to our website Down Under Visa and get a free assessment.

Mia Talks About Her Successful Partner Visa Grant
The difference when you use a professional


  1. janeth

    this is a very good information for us.i have to tell this to my boyfriend.thank u,sir Jeff and Madam Mila.

  2. wayne

    It should be 28 days for ALL visas. Not this heartless 6-12months crap.


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